➤ chapter 24 : exhaustion

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"HEY, YOU GUYS picked a great campsite

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"HEY, YOU GUYS picked a great campsite." toph says with a small smile. "the grass is so soft." she wiggles her toes around in the white substance.

"that's not grass. appa's shedding." sokka replies as he passes miizumi her sleeping bag and then holding his own.

"oh, gross!" katara exclaims, stepping off the fur.

"that's not gross. it's just a part of spring. you know, rebirth, flowers blooming and appa gets a new coat." aang explains amd miizumi looks at him.

"thanks for the inspirational speech, guru know-it-all." miizumi rolls her eyes to which aang sticks his tongue at her. "jeez, you sound like my uncle."

"ahh, the beauty of spring." katara sighs with a smile. appa suddenly sneezes and his fur flies onto everyone, especially katara since she is standing right next to the bison. "appa!" she whines.

"it's not that bad, katara." sokka says as he puts the fur on his head. "it makes a great wig." he turns around and reveals a head of hair out of appa's sheddings.

"and a great beard." aang exclaims as he flies down and the two boys begin laughing at each other.

"i'm just glad we finally have another girl in the group, because you two are disgusting. right, miizumi?" katara explains and turns to the girl.

"i guess?" miizumi shrugs unsurely.

"excuse me, does anyone have a razor because i got some hairy pits!" toph exclaims as she holds her arms up to reveal the tuft of fur under her arms.

katara glares at them angrily then turns to see miizumi smile. the brunette nudges miizumi with her elbow and miizumi clears her throat, looking at katara.

"what?" miizumi asks.

"you were smiling." katara smiles. "and i think i know why."

"because these kids are dumb." miizumi replies. katara grabs her hand and points it at sokka who is laughing so hard he has tears in his eyes.

"and what about that kid?" katara asks.

"he's dumber than dumb. he's a moron." miizumi rolls her eyes and pulls away from the girl who just keeps smiling at her. "a moron who happens to be my boyfriend." she sighs and she feels katara hug her.

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"i got an extra tent." aang says as he gives miizumi the tent wrapped up in a bag. "set it up if you want." the boy smiles.

"better than sleeping in this for months." miizumi replies and kicks her sleeping bag to the side so she can set up the tent. sokka drops a pile of logs next to her for her start a fire.

"would you be so kind as to share the space with me?" sokka smiles at her and she looks up at him.

"share with aang. i mean, you're both boys." miizumi says as aang walks over to katara and toph rests on a rock away from them. sokka's smile falls but quickly lets it go unnoticed.

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