➤ chapter 11 : tunnel of secrets

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"WHY DON'T YOU come further in the water?" sokka calls to miizumi

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"WHY DON'T YOU come further in the water?" sokka calls to miizumi. the girl shakes her head and folds her arms over her chest.

"no way. it's cold and it's... wet." miizumi replies.

"that's what water is, miizumi." katara says as she teaches aang more waterbending techniques.

"i think i'll just stay here." miizumi stands on the shore and appa walks behind her. he licks her back and she begins to scream. "aang, get your bison!" she exclaims.

"water isn't so bad, is it?" aang smiles.

"this isn't water. it's spit." miizumi tries to move appa's head away from her as he nudges her in her stomach.

"well, when princess over here is done whining, you guys are gonna be done soon, right?" sokka asks and turns to katara and aang. "we've got a lot of ground to cover if we want to make it to omashu today."

"what, like you're ready to go now, naked guy?" katara smirks. miizumi sits on the sand and feels appa collapse on the ground next to her with a loud thud.

"i could be ready in two minutes." he replies, moving his hair out of his face. "seriously. whenever."

katara continues to teach aang a waterbending form and miizumi can see aang's cheeks turn a slight red. she suddenly hears music playing and a man humming.

"don't fall in love with a traveling girl"

she stands up and places a hand on appa. she watches a group of people walk up to them, singing and dancing. momo jumps off sokka and he falls into the water.

"she'll leave you broke and broken-hearted"

miizumi looks to the others in the water who are just as confused as she is.

"hey! river people!" the man exclaims.

"we're not river people." katara replies.

"you're not? well, then what kind of people are you?" he asks.

"people." miizumi says.

"aren't we all, sister? hoo!" the man holds his hands out and miizumi sees sokka walk next to her in the corner of her eye.

"who are you?" sokka asks.

"im chong," the man begins. "and this is my wife lily. we're nomads. happy to go wherever the wind takes us." he points to the black-haired woman next to him.

"you guys are nomads? that's great! im a nomad!" aang exclaims.

"hey! me too!" chong responds. miizumi and sokka look at each other with an unamused expression.

"you just said that." aang says.

"nice underwear." chong looks to sokka and the boy covers himself with momo, running away.

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