➤ chapter 13 : return to the fire nation

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"I'VE ALWAYS HEARD people talking about conquering more land, especially my father," miizumi begins as she stares at the city of omashu, which is now fire nation territory

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"I'VE ALWAYS HEARD people talking about conquering more land, especially my father," miizumi begins as she stares at the city of omashu, which is now fire nation territory. "but i didn't know it got this bad."

"yeah, i know the war has spread far but omashu always seemed..." aang sighs and looks at miizumi as he stands next to her. "untouchable."

"up until now, it was." sokka replies. "now ba sing se is the only great earth kingdom stronghold left." he folds his arms over his chest.

"this is horrible." katara walks up to aang and miizumi. "but we have to move on."

"no. im going in to find bumi." aang responds.

"aang, stop!" sokka exclaims. "we don't even know if bumi's still..."

"what?" aang turns around and glares at the three. "if he's still what?"

"around." sokka stammers.

"the fire nation is ruthless, aang." miizumi says to the boy as he stands on the edge of the mountain, holding his staff. "trust me, i know."

"i know you had your heart set on bumi, but there are other people who can teach your earthbending." katara explains.

"this isn't about finding a teacher. this is about finding my friend." aang tightens his grip on his staff and looks at everyone. "are you coming?"

katara and sokka look to miizumi whose gaze is to the ground. after being on the run for so many months, she feels like she has been in a huge circle, just to end up in the same place she wanted to get away from.

miizumi still thinks about zuko. she misses her sister, even after what she did. when it's late at night and the stars are out, she looks at the night sky and wonders where her siblings are. but she can't feel anything for her father.

somehow, that turned into pure hatred and she knows one of the most important things to him has always been his kingdom.

more than half of her is sure that he loves the fire nation more than his children.

she wants to see the fire nation fall, and ozai fall with it.

she wants to end the war. she's never wanted anything this bad in her life.

"let's go find your friend, aang." miizumi finally says. they all get on appa and katara pulls three dark cloaks out of her bag, giving one to sokka and miizumi.

miizumi throws it over her shoulders. aang directs appa to fly downwards onto a lower side of the mountain.

miizumi climbs off appa with the help of sokka who holds her hand. she moves her hair out of her face and looks to sokka. he looks slightly concerned about the situation.

"you wanna go back here?" sokka asks.

"if this'll get us closer to ending this war, i'll do it in a heartbeat." miizumi replies.

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