chapter three ; poison poison

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"You're the worst bitch on the earth, i hate you and your guts, i think you should the fuck up." poison poison; reneé rapp


That night, I returned to my house feeling rage beyond comparison.

Malachi had gotten on my nerves, once again, and made me lash out in front of several people. He was infuriating. Aggravating. Menacing. I didn't know how he had any friends at all - Brady, MK and Jaden were the complete opposite of him. Malachi was stubborn, rude and arrogant; an exact replica of everything I stood against.

I had left shortly after Malachi and I's spat, which finished with me calling him a cunt again, and him laughing at me. Brady walked me out and offered to drive me home.

"Hey, Ev?" He finally spoke, as I faced out the window. I turned to the boy, his eyes on the road. I hummed as if to tell him to continue. "Why don't you and Malachi get along? Why is he always so rude to you?"

I paused for a moment, before I shrugged. I honestly had no clue, which made the whole situation so much worse. If he was mean to me while provoked, at least I'd have an explanation. But instead, the boy was unrelentingly cruel to me without being aggravated at all.

It made me feel insane.

"Hes been like that since I met him. I don't know why he hates me." I explained to him, and the boy merely chuckled, shaking his head. "What?"

"He certainly doesn't hate you, Ev." Brady told me, patting the hand that rested on my thigh. "Malachi doesn't act like that when he hate's people."

"Well he certainly doesn't like me." I scoffed, crossing my arms. Brady laughed, rubbing his face, trying to cover his smile.

"I wouldn't be too sure." He chuckled. I smacked the boy on the back of the head, scolding him for making a joke like that. "I'm not joking! He's a cunt, and he hates emotions. When he likes someone... that's how he acts."

I glared at him, not buying his words at all. No one acts like that when they like someone. Sure, there's usually some banter; teasing and what not. But you don't blankly insult someone and make fun of them in front of heaps of people. That's not normal. That's insane.

"Whatever you say, Brades." I rolled my eyes at the brown eyed boy, earning a snarky smirk in reply. "I don't wanna talk about him anymore. Can we talk about you? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages."

Brady looked at me in disbelief. "It's been less than a week, Evy."

"I know! That's too long!" I argued, and Brady merely blushed, shaking his head.

"Uh, well, I just booked a new film called New York Feels, and I sent in an audition tape today for a new romance movie called Forever in Your Favour.

"No way. You're joking. I auditioned for the same thing!" I exclaimed, making Brady gasp. He turned his head to me, grinning, then released he was in fact still driving a car.

"Oh my god! You mean we could play in a romance movie together?" Brady spoke excitedly. Truth be told, I had a bit of a crush on the boy. It had started not long ago, a long while after we'd become close friends. We never really spoke about it, but we knew that we liked each other. But we also knew that right now wasn't the right time to act on it.

"Sounds like it. I'm actually really excited now. The script seemed so cool." I gushed, reminiscing on the moment when I received the email to audition. Forever in Your Favour was a romance movie about two teens who fall in love over a number of years, always 'conveniently' being in the right place at the right time, stepping in to help in times of need.

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