chapter eleven ; happiness

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"tell when did your winning smile begin to look like a smirk? when did all our lessons begin to look like weapons pointed at my deepest hurt?" happiness; taylor swift


We landed in Vancouver at around ten, with my head still resting on Malachis shoulder.

I had been too scared to move for the last couple hours, because I thought that if I did, I would remind him that I was there. That I would disrupt whatever trance we were in, our lapse of sanity, our temporary peace.

The boy was arrogant, self-absorbed and perpetually annoying. But in moments like these, I tended to forget who he was. I knew only his touch, his warmth, his comfort. I'd like to think that this was who he really was - but every time I thought we'd overcome the feels of hatred, he ruined it.

"Get up, Princess. Time to go." He harshly spoke, suddenly standing from his seat. I jerked up with a start, a little bewildered from the flight. I looked up at Malachi through tired eyes. I rubbed my face, trying to awaken some life into my cheeks.

"God, give me a second." I grumbled as he picked up our bags, smirking at me as if my attitude was the funniest scene he'd ever witnessed. "Fuck, you're annoying."

"Yeah, I'm sure." He rolled his eyes, watching as I struggled to stand. Malachis dark eyes bore down on me as I snatched by bag from him, his upper lip turning up in amusement. "You seemed super annoyed when you fell asleep on me."

I shook my head in aggravation, shoving past Malachi in an attempt to get away from him. His words weren't malicious - they were just humiliating. With endless machiavellian intention. He knew what he was doing, and that's why I hated him.

I was so glad that he reminded me.

I quickly approached Milo, who laughed at my disorientation. I stumbled slightly in my rush, to which he shook his head in amusement.

"Hear, jump up." Milo chuckled, offering me a piggy back. I lowered my head in appreciation, clambering up and wrapping my arms around his neck. Milo was like my big brother - it'd been like that for years, ever since we stared in a show together. I always had a crazy big crush on him, although I did know the feelings would never be reciprocated, he did have me giggling and kicking my feet everytime he hugged me or kissed my forehead.

Milo carried me out of the plane, through baggage claim, and all the way outside to the taxi. I thanked him graciously for saving my legs as I sat myself down beside Julian.

"Did you and Mal have fun?" The boy teased once the bus-taxi pulled away from the curb. I groaned in annoyance, being too tired to have this conversation for the seemingly millionth time.

"I need you to shut the fuck up." I responded, making Julian giggle. "I could write a whole song about how much that boy irritates me. If poison poison wasn't already a song, I would write it myself, about Malachi."

Julian laughed at my words, shaking his head. I checked my phone for the first time since we'd landed, seeing a message from Maya Fontaine, asking when we could meet up.

"Hey, Ev... we've just been invited to a party tomorrow night..." MK leaned over the back of his seat, facing me and Julian. We sat behind them, so we were glaring up at the boy. He had a cheesy, suck-up grin on his face.

"... and?" I prompted the boy to continue, sensing that there was an underlying point to his words. MK's face broke into a pleading attempt at a charming smile.

"And...they want you to perform. Only for a short period of time, don't worry!" He exclaimed, bringing his hands to sit on the headrest, making a praying motion. "Please. I'll do anything."

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