chapter seventeen ; movie star

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"i wanna change, i wanna grow. but it's physically impossible to stand here and not say that i love you." movie star; lizzy mcalpine.


I stepped out of the elevator onto our floor at half past ten.

I kept my head low, actively trying to avoid catching the gaze of anyone sitting in the lounge area of the penthouse. Incase, by some unlucky marvel, Evelyn Kinsley Summers was sitting there waiting for me.

Maybe in my dreams.

"And where have you been?" I heard a deep, definitely not Evy voice grumble. I paused at the edge of the carpet, looking up to see Milo leaning against the kitchen island.

I shuffled my feet awkwardly, looking up at the tall man. He was assessing me condescendingly, even though I knew that he was a softie at heart. He would never do or say anything negative towards me, but he could certainly intimidate me with his size.

"Out." I said simply, shrugging off my jacket. The green-haired boy nodded, narrowing his eyes at me. I didn't appreciate talking to Milo as if he was an over protective mother.

"Right. With who?"

I sighed, looking away while rolling my eyes. "With some friends."

"Which friends?"

"Maya Fontaine. Some of her buddies. I dont know why it matters." I tried myself not to sass Milo, but he was making it difficult. I didn't understand why he was grilling me like a parent.

"Oh, right." Milo eventually cracked a smile. I felt a wave of relief wash over me, smiling back at him as I walked towards mine and MK's room. The boy wasn't in there, so I just dropped my shoes and my jacket and walked back over to the kitchen with Milo. "That explains why Evy's been so upset." He continued.

My stomach dropped at his words. "Evy?"

"Yeah." Milo said, as if it was a given. He was crunching on a piece of bread as he spoke to me. The rest of the lounge area was free of any people, so I began to wonder if he was the first and only one back. "She's been really off since they all came back from lunch. Then right before we went out for dinner, it got really bad. She didn't eat at all."

I ran my tongue over my teeth as he spoke. I leant against the cool stone of the kitchen island, bracing my hands on the edge. "I don't know why she would be upset." I said breathlessly, pulling open the drawer below me to find a plate.

Milo cocked his head at me, his eyebrows raised. "Come on, man. I'm not completely oblivious."

"There's nothing to be oblivious to. She's dating Brady." I chuckled, turning to pull open the fridge. I subconsciously pulled out double the ingredients I needed to make myself a sandwich, laying them all out on the bench before me.

"They're dating? God, that's rough." Milo huffed, sitting down on one of the barstools facing me. "The jealousy in that relationship must be insane."

I was starting to get annoyed by the conversation. I understood what Milo was implying, but I didn't like it. Maybe he wasn't wrong - there were some unresolved feelings between me and Evy. Mostly on my end. She asked to be friends, and I was obeying by that.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, Brady is weirdly close with that Xochitl girl. And I mean, you two have some insane tension. I know I wouldn't survive." Milo raised his pitch in the manner that I would imagine a gossiping teenage girl to. He rested his chin against his knuckle as he watched me prepare my snack.

"It's not our business, Milo." I teasingly shut him down, knowing that he just wanted to know how to help Evy. He reminded me of a Dad trying to find any connection he could with his newly teen daughter. It was sweet, but I didn't want to be involved.

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