chapter fourteen ; love is embarrassing

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"i give up everything! im planning out my wedding with some guy im never marrying." love is embarrassing; olivia rodrigo


By 3am, I had made it to a beach.

I didn't know what beach, or where; I hadn't checked my phone since I'd called Brady.

I'd lied to him and said I was back at the hotel about fifteen minutes ago, because I knew that he wouldn't let me go if I knew I was still alone. I needed some space: some time to think.

Malachi had me really fucked up. For a second there, he made me think that there could be something between us. It was absurd, because he was a cunt, and I had Brady. I didn't need Malachi - nor did I want him.

Sure, maybe it was nice to think that he wanted me. But he'd made it blatantly clear that even if he did, he still wanted zilch to do with me.

I tilted my head back to absorb the rays of moonlight pelting down on me. I felt the sand slipping between my fingers, the wet grains sticking to me like unwanted memories. Over and over, and the sound of every breaking wave, his voice echoed in my mind.

I don't want you here, Evy.

The crash of the water would pull me forward, just to be dragged out by his words again.

You and me? We're from two different worlds.

Breathe. Keep breathing.

This never works.

The salt water stung against my raw, cold skin. Like is maiming, bruising words.

In any universe.

I don't know why it hurt me so much. I knew that I hated him, and I knew why. Him not wanting me around shouldn't have come as such a surprise to me, but his words ached nonetheless. When you don't care about someone, you don't care about what they think of you.

Which irked me to believe, that somewhere deep down, in my heart of hearts, I did care about Malachi. In one form or another.

Just as I felt the tears threatening to fall again, my phone buzzed. I flipping it over, reading the words that flashed across my screen.

new imessage from b noonster 🤍
malachi said that you didn't make it back to the hotel.
where are you?
can you call me back please?
can you call milo then?
just let someone know that you're okay.

I don't know why, but it made me happy that Malachi had messaged Brady. It meant that they were talking again, and maybe their friendship was on the mend. For some reason, I felt as though their relationship malfunction was due to me, and my connection with both of them.


b noonster 🤍

i'm fine
i'm sorry for lying

it's okay ml
i was just worried
can you let milo know that
your okay please?

yeah i'll call him now
i'm sorry for making this
a big thing
i was just upset

you did nothing wrong
but if your gonna go awol again
can you at least turn on your

i swear that i will
thank you brades
love you x

love you too loser
text me when you get back 

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