Riddle #3

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Taking Out the Trash

This morning, I was awakened by banging and clattering. My wife was downstairs making breakfast. She doesn't usually make this much noise. I went downstairs to the kitchen. My wife had her back to me and she was cutting something up in the sink. I said, "Good morning" but she ignored me.

Then, I remembered what happened last night. My wife caught me cheating on her and we had a violent argument. So, today she must be giving me the silent treatment. How long can that last?

I sat down at the table and asked her when breakfast would be ready, but she continued to ignore me. Then I looked at the clock. It was almost time to go to work. I raced upstairs and hurriedly changed into my suit. When I came back down, my wife was out in the garden doing something.

I always take out the trash before I go to work, so I grabbed the big black plastic bag in the kitchen. It was unusually heavy. She hadn't just double-bagged it. She had used about 4 or 5 black garbage bags. I dragged it out to the end of the driveway and left it on curb.

It was so heavy, I wondered what was in there. My curiosity got the better of me. I untied the knot and took a look inside...

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