Scratch - True Story

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Before you start reading, I want to give you a WARNING. This story is true, it happened to me.

Again if you can't handle true stories just skip it.

+ sorry if there are any spellingmistakes I'm too lazy to check for them 😂

I was taking a bath in the bathroom upstairs and my mum had told me that my cat was upstairs. My cat's can't go upstairs without us opening a door, so my mum had let him go upstairs.

So like I said I was in my bath and I was just sitting there reading a book when after 20-30 minutes I heard a scratch at my bathroom door that was closed. Me thinking it is my cat, open the door but see nothing. I had a weird feeling but played it off, thinking my cat just ran away again to another room upstairs because he had done that before.

After another 10-20 minutes I decide to get out of the bath because I was there for almost an hour. After I got dressed and stuff I went downstairs and opened the door to see my cat sitting on the table downstairs.

I think back to the scratching at my door and ask my mum how long he had been downstairs and she tells me he had been there about 5-10 minutes after I went upstairs.

That means that my cat wasn't even upstairs when something scratched at my door. I don't know what it was and I am telling myself that it didn't really happen, but I know that it happened.

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