Babysitter series #8

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Okay so I was babysitting a 2 month old (my niece ) & a 5 year old (my other niece) at my house. The 5 year old was sleeping in my mom's room right across from the baby's room. I was laying in bed in the baby's room & it's like midnight. All of a sudden my 5 five year old niece starts screaming from across the hall. I jump out of bed & find her sitting up right in bed with her eyes closed as if she's still sleeping & she's pointing in the corner saying the witch is here! the witch is here! I lay her back down & she lays down as if nothing had happened. When I walk back into the baby's room, she's sitting up & playing patty cake & looking up at the corner in the ceiling. How does a 2 month old baby know how to play patty cake? I have no flipping idea. Freaked me out.

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