Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of power tools outside and groaned in annoyance. I opened up my bedroom window to see that a few of the trees on our property had knocked down from the hurricane last night. I slammed the curtains shut, blocking out the sun, and went to grab my phone. The dead symbol flashed on the screen and I rolled my eyes. The power must still be out. I know my dad was freaking out about generators the other day, I guess it hasn't arrived yet. I got dressed in a pair of white shorts and a black top. Now that I'm up, it's starting to hit me how hot it is in here with no air conditioning.

I made my way downstairs to see dad on the phone, and mom on the couch scrolling on her tablet. "Do you have a portable?" I asked her and she nodded, reaching over and handing me hers. I plugged my phone in and sat down next to her. "What's dad doing?"

"Yelling at anyone and everyone until our power is back on." She replied, still not looking up from her screen. My mom is stunning, there's no denying it. She's in her forty's and could pass for her 20's. The fact that she's practically perfect and my dad still isn't satisfied gives me little to no hope that any man will ever be loyal.

"Well maybe the power being out is a good thing." I said. "It can give you and dad quality time together." She shot me a look that said she'd rather not, and then looked back down. It's no secret the only reason she still lives here is because of me. Yes, they have an image to keep up, but they can't stand being within ten feet of each other. I was a happy accident, but still an accident nonetheless. That's why I have no siblings. Dad never really wanted kids, and when they found out I was coming, I was the demise of their romantic relationship. Now it's more like a business relationship. They put their differences aside for me, pretending as if I'm oblivious to how much they despise each other, and act like they're happy in public. In private, they do their own thing. Most nights they don't even share the same bedroom.

I've told her multiple times I'd rather them be divorced and happy than miserable and married, but they both agree on the fact that diving up the assets would be too much of a headache to deal with. Before I was eighteen, there was also the issue of who gets me. Naturally, mom wanted me to go with her, but dad couldn't let that happen. How would it look if his wife took his only child? Certainly not respectable. Instead, they'll continue the cycle until I'm moved out and they finally can't take it any more.

My phone finally powered on, and it loaded about fifty missed texts and calls from Rafe, a few from Sarah, and one from John B. I scrunched my eyebrows when I saw his, and I opened it.

"Any idea who could have drowned a Grady white?" A Grady White? Those boats are expensive.

"An idiot." I texted back. "Definitely a kook boat, but a kook wouldn't risk ruining one of those in that hurricane."

"Figured." He replied. "We're gonna try to figure it out, if you do first, Imk."

"Will do." | then scrolled through Sarah's texts asking how we made out, and her telling me some of her trees went down. I texted her back that we're all good. Then I opened Rafe's and shook my head before locking the phone. I'm not in the mood for him today.

"Is it Rafe?" My mom asked, somewhat quietly because my dad's in the other room.

"It's always Rafe." I huffed, and stood up. As annoyed as I am with him, going to the Cameron house could definitely help me feel out who's Grady White that was. Mr. Cameron knows everyone's business, he would definitely know. I grabbed my bag and headed out to the Cameron house.


I got there to see Mr. Cameron and a woman who looked like she was freaking out being comforted by him. "Molly." He greeted. "How'd your family make out?"

"We're all good, just some trees down, and the power." He nodded in understanding.

"Molly this is Lana Grubbs." He introduced, and she shook my hand, still looking anxious. "Her husband Scooter helped Sarah out at the druthers the other night before the storm, I know you were with them for a bit, did he say anything?" I thought back to the other night and how he helped us secure the Cameron's boat to the cabins. Once it was secure I Left, but he hung around to talk to Sarah for a bit.

"No, he didn't say anything to me." I told them, and she looked crestfallen. "Why? Did something happen?"

"He never came home before the storm." She wailed, and I instantly felt bad for her.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Grubbs." I told her. "You guys could ask Sarah, she might know because they were still out there when I left."

"Alright, thanks Mol." Ward said, and ushered her towards wherever Sarah is. Not knowing where your husband is must be so scary. Wait a second...Scooter Grubbs lives on the cut, and definitely would not know how to properly drive a Grady White. Holy shit! I bet it was Scooter! I opened my phone to text John B, but then I saw Rafe coming outside, and tried to book it, but he was faster. I locked my phone and put it in my pocket.

"Oh so your phone does work then, you just...decided not to answer me." He stated furiously, and crossed his arms.

"I didn't have a charger over night Rafe, I just turned it on like 20 minutes ago." I defended myself. "Look I don't have time for this." I tried to walk past him but he walked in front of me.

"You don't have time for what Molly? Me giving a shit about you?!" He snapped, and I can see in his eyes he's trying really hard not to lose his shit.

"No Rafe, you needing to know what I'm doing 24/7."

"There was a fucking hurricane!" He yelled, and if it weren't for the power tools the workers were using I'm pretty sure the whole island would have heard him. "And I'm being unreasonable for asking you to tell me you're okay?!" He does have a point. Maybe I was being a bit harsh.

"Alright, you're right, I'm sorry." I conceded. "I'm just not in a good mood today." I lied. I really want to get to wherever John B is so I can tell him it was probably Scooter out there and also figure out how he knew it was there.

"What's going on with you." He asked, and I gave him a look.

"The powers out, and there's no ac I'm cranky." I tried to pass it off as something else. But I can tell he doesn't believe me.

"Cut the b-"

"Rafe!" Ward called and he looked over at him. "Help me over here!" He gave me one last glare and then moved to go help his dad.

"Thank god." I muttered under my breath and pulled out my phone.

"Where r u?" | texted John B. And surprisingly he answered almost instantly.

"Heading to the coast guard base now, any ideas?"

"One, I'll meet u there." I slid my phone in my pocket and headed off towards the makeshift emergency base.


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