Chapter 19

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of someone knocking at my bedroom door. I climbed out of bed and opened it to see Rafe and immediately the memory of yesterday set in and I shook my head. "Get out!"

"Molly I know you're mad-"

"Get out Rafe!" | yelled. Not only did he lie to me about the coke being a one-time thing, I got kidnapped and held at gun point because of him.

"Please just listen to me." He begged and I stared at him waiting for him to continue. "I don't... don't have anywhere else to go." White-hot anger flashed through me at his words.

"You're joking?!" I stormed towards him angrily. "You have the NERVE to show up here and ask if you can stay!
I was held at gun point Rafe!
That rat was gonna kill me because of you and then you have the balls to ask me if you can stay here?!"

"I don't know where else to go Molly please." I looked into his glassy eyes and I was instantly filled with disgust. He doesn't see anything wrong with what happened.

"Get out Rafe and don't come back." I hissed, turning away from him.

" Molly I'm sorry I-"

"Now!" I shouted cutting him off and he left the room, clearly not wanting my dad to come in and get involved. I slammed the bedroom door shut and slid down against it, letting my head fall into my hands as tears came rushing down my cheeks. I can't believe he's gotten this bad.


The next day I met back up with the Pogues and Sarah. Apparently while I was dealing with Rafe, the Pogues stranded Kie and Sarah on a boat together, forcing them to make up and become friends again. I told them about what happened with Rafe and what Ward did and Sarah was shocked at her dad's response. We waited until nightfall and then headed back to the Crain house. "Rope?"


"Grappling hook?"

"We don't have a grappling hook we're not batman." Pope replied, and my JB kept going with the checklist.



"Dark clothes and flashlights?"


"Then we're ready." He parked and we all got out. "Before we go in I just want to say thank you to you all. Seriously we couldn't have done this without you."
"Always." Kie replied.

"Alright can we stop this circle jerk and get the gold?" JJ rushed us. We hopped the fence to the yard and started to make our way through.

We were in front of the house when the motion light when on making us jump and hide behind the bushes.



"Flashlights!" Kie hissed, and JJ and Pope shut theirs off quickly. I can feel my heart racing in my chest as the adrenaline's kicking in.

"Okay, so she has a motion sensor light." Pope said.

"Maybe we can just... move slow?" JJ proposed.

"That's not how that works." I told him.

"Oh! We could throw a rock at it!" JB offered.

"Great idea let's let the axe murderer know we're here." Kie stated obviously.

"Do you guys have a better plan?" JB asked.

"What about the breaker?" Sarah asked. "The circuit box is in it on the porch. We used to play hide and seek here as kids and if you were brave enough, you'd go all the way up to the porch. I've seen it."

Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Where stories live. Discover now