Chapter 10

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Towards the end I met back up with them and I could hear Sarah complaining to Topper about John B yelling at her. "They're Pogue's man." Topper stated. "You can say we're all just...people or whatever but it's a totally different mindset on the cut." I fought the urge to roll my eyes at this. We are all just people. The only difference is that the people on the cut sometimes have to do bad things just to survive.

"Yo you guys look like you could use a drink." Kelce walked over with a jar of what looks like moonshine.

Wheezy, Sarah's little sister came over to us as Kelce passed it to Topper.

"Woah." He grimaced at the taste and passed it to Sarah who gagged. Wheezy took it from her hands and took a gulp, making me snatch it from her grip.

"Since when did you start drinking?!" Sarah asked her with a laugh.

"Since today." She responded with a grin and I shook my head at her before drinking some. The taste burned my throat but I can tell whatever Kelce concocted is strong. After a minute or two the leader of the cleanup rounded up us and the others and made us all stand in a large circle and hold hands for a "prayer." I held Wheezy and Sarah's hands as we tried not to laugh as he spoke.

"To the Big Kahuhna...thank you for the opportunity to come out here and restore Masonborough to its virgin glory." Wheezy was shaking so hard from holding in her laughter and it's making me lose it too. I bit my lip to keep quiet, nd both Topper and Sarah busted out laughing as it ended and everyone clapped.

After the cleanup I went home to shower and head to the cut but a text from Sarah stopped me. "Party tonight, you're coming. Look hot ;) " I let out a sigh of frustration, knowing I have no excuse not to go. I haven't heard back from the Pogue's yet so I guess I really don't have a reason not to. I thought about inviting Rafe but I remember him saying this morning his dad wanted to talk to him so l have a feeling he's not going to be in the mood for a party tonight. I spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready and I got dressed in a pair of white shorts and a flowy red top. I made sure to make my eyeliner sharp and gave myself red lips to match the top.

I left my hair down in loose curls and headed out to the address Sarah gave me. I don't plan on drinking more than one drink, and if for some reason I do I know I can either stay at whoever's house this is, go home with Topper and Sarah or have someone pick me up.


Considering things are going good between Rafe and I now I decided I should at least invite him to come along even if he's not in the mood to. I texted him a few times while I got ready and he never answered me which is weird. Rafe is the kind of guy who always answers as soon as I text him unless he's really busy with something, but I doubt it. Maybe he just needs time to calm down after his dad.

About an hour went by and i stood in the kitchen with a solo cup full of water. I checked my phone again to see he still hasn't responded and I'm starting to get worried. Everyone continued dancing and drinking and I heard cheering outside as Topper and Sarah jumped into the pool from the roof. "Hey man!" I heard Kelce, and looked over to see Rafe walk inside looking stressed. He whispered something to Kelce who nodded before disappearing through the crowd. Rafe's eyes scanned the room and when they landed on me he rushed over.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, and I can tell he definitely was not expecting to see me.

"I could ask you the same question." I responded. "I've been texting you all day, and since you're here I'm guessing you got my messages."
He looked away for a second and took a breath. Something's bothering him but I don't know what it is.

"I'm gonna be honest I didn't even see the messages." He said, and I frowned at this. "I've been so busy with trying to fix things with my dad and I-I just didn't even look at my phone."

Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Where stories live. Discover now