Chapter 3

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The boys got the kegs and I left with Kie to get ready for the party. Unknown to Kie I texted Sarah to invite her and Topper. She said she'd meet us there. I also noticed Rafe hasn't called so I guess he's busy with his dad. Kie had come to my place and rummaged through my closet.
"Dude you literally live full Kook." I shrugged in response, and put on my favorite dresses. It's all black but it looks a lot more casual than most of my things. I paired it with black sandals.

"You're a kook too even if you don't want to admit it." I replied, touching up my makeup. I put my hair into a messy bun. It looks effortless, but it always takes me a million tries to get it how I like it. I picked up my phone to see a text from Rafe.

"Where are you? Why is your location off???" I thought about responding, but the fact that he noticed my location being off so quickly says a lot.

"Are you and Rafe fighting?" Kie asked, and I shrugged.

"He's questioning me about my location being off."

"Well, as much as I hate to say it, in his defense a big notification pops up saying you stopped sharing it." I opened my phone to see she's right.

"I hate when you're right."

"At my place with Kie, heading out soon tho." I typed back. Instantly the bubbles appeared indicating he's replying.

"Kie? So you're with the Pogues then?"

"No, I'm at my house, I'm going out later with Sarah."

"Going out where??" I decided not to answer because the last thing I need is him showing up and flipping out at me for no reason. Another thing about Rafe is that he's possessive. It's like he's afraid someone will steal me if he turns his back for a second.

"Ready?" Kie asked, and I nodded.


John B's POV

The kegger is now in full swing and I watched as everyone danced, drank and talked to their friends. I looked over to see Molly standing by Sarah and her boyfriend Topper. Sarah Cameron is the kook princess, but if we're going on those terms, Molly is the kook duchess. I love Molly, but she has her moments where her kook side shows, and she's just as stuck up as they are. Still, I knew bringing her into our group was a good idea. We can trust her. A lot of her personality with the kooks is for show, she has to because she wants that inheritance from her dad. I watched as her gaze shifted over to Rafe Cameron who stormed towards her angrily.

"You think they'll break up again?" Pope asked as he sat down on the rock next to me. We watched as the two of them started arguing with each other off to the side more away from everyone.

"Probably not." I responded, and he shook his head. One thing about Pope, he's had the biggest crush on Molly since the minute I introduced her to the group. I think he also has a thing for Kie, but that's mostly because he always felt he could never get to Molly. She's too stuck in the bubble wrap of Kook life. Her dad basically told her she has to marry someone rich or she's shit out of luck from getting that money, and Rafe Cameron is the only halfway decent option in his eyes.

"I don't get why she doesn't just ditch him already, he treats her like shit." Pope huffed, and took a drink.

"Look at her parents." I reminded him. Molly and I got really close and she explained how things are for her at home. Living with parents who hate each other is probably just as bad as having divorced parents. She grew up surrounded by dysfunctional relationships, the fact she's in one isn't shocking.

"That is true, statistically kids who are exposed to problematic relationships end up in them themselves." He agreed with me. I would say part of the reason is because he's such a nerd, but she is too. I learned that when she started tutoring me. That girl is a freaking genius, and it's no surprise to me that she has her pick of any college she wants to go to. She even rivals Pope for the smartest person I know, and that's not easy to do. "I just wish I could show her that there's better people out there than Rafe Cameron." He grumbled and I scoffed.

"You'd need about a million dollars first."


Molly's POV

"Rafe I'm not doing this with you!" I huffed, as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration. After a nice screaming match by the water, all I want is for him to go home. People around us thankfully weren't paying attention but I'm tired of him needing to be with me 24/7. "How did you find me anyway?!" I stormed towards the parking lot and he followed behind me angrily.

"It wasn't hard." He replied. "You said you were with Sarah so I asked Topper where you guys were." I looked over at them to see them talking by the lifeguard stand and stopped so we're standing between the cars in the parking lot, giving us more privacy.

"You can't keep doing this." I told him. "If I don't tell you where I'm going it's because I don't want you to know okay."

"Why?! I'm your boyfriend Molly! Remember?!" He snapped.

"You have to trust me Rafe!" He started rolling his wrists and I can tell I'm pushing him.

"I do!" He yelled, and I crossed my arms.

"This is trust?!" I gestured to him showing up here. "Stalking me and screaming at me in front of everyone is trust?!"

"I just-I don't see how you-you somehow have it twisted in your brain" he started gesturing to his head. "That this is my fault."

"You need to go home Rafe." I huffed, I'm tired of explaining myself all the time.

"So you can lie to me about what you're doing and hide things from me, but I'm the bad guy here?" He hissed. "Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds Mol?"

"I knew if I told you I was coming here you'd show up and flip out." | crossed my arms. "Clearly it didn't matter because you did anyway."


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