Chapter 14

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"This is not up for discussion!" My dad's voice boomed as we stood at opposite ends of the living room.

"You're right it's not because I'm not going." I stood my ground. Tonight is the annual Midsummer's party at the Country Club. It's basically a big party for all of the Kooks, and traditionally all the kook couples come in together. Considering Rafe and I broke up last night we definitely won't be going in together.

"Molly, sweetie this party is important." Mom pushed me, walking over. "You know how much we've done for this community and this is them giving back to us.

"It's the Island Club, it's not even a big deal."

"It's a huge deal." Dad interjected. "This party is going to be filled with current and future investors. If you plan on inheriting our business and our fortune, you better learn to get in good with these people. Listen, if you want to prove to me that giving you the reins is not a mistake, then you better be there with a smile on your face."

Mom nodded in agreement and I sighed.

"So schmoozing with investors means more to you than forcing your daughter to be in the same place as her ex boyfriend?" I asked. I told him the reason why I don't want to go and he doesn't care.

"It's only one night." He argued, and I know I have no way out of this.

"Okay, fine. I'll go."

"Thank you." He let out a breath of relief, and I went upstairs to get ready.


This morning I had talked to Sarah on the phone and told her about Rafe. She told me she's ready to break up with Topper too and is dreading this whole thing tonight. Hopefully the two of us can just hang with each other and ignore Rafe and Topper. My mom did my hair with a flower crown and I put on some makeup, but went for a more natural look with a soft pink gloss. Finally, I put on my dress and looked over myself in the mirror. I look good at least, even if I don't feel great. "It's good that you're doing this." My mom remarked, and I turned from the mirror to face her. "It shows your father that you're serious about this." The more I think about it, the less I want to be like him.

"I guess." I told her, hoping she'll leave so I can mentally prepare myself for tonight. Hopefully alcohol will be there so I can drown my sorrows. She gave me a sympathetic look and then slipped out of the room. I grabbed my phone to see Kie called me so I called her back.

"Hey." She spoke. "Are you going to midsummers?"

"Unfortunately." I responded. "You?"

"Yeah, my mom is forcing me to go. She wants me to be part of the island club." I can tell she rolled her eyes as she said that and I let out a laugh.

"I don't wanna go either, especially since I broke up with Rafe last night."

"You did?!"

"I can't deal with him hurting Pope and JJ like it's nothing to him." I explained and put on a pair of diamond stud earrings while I talked to her.

"Pope's gonna be there tonight, I think you should talk to him." | tensed up at this. I forgot Pope and his dad go every year to cook for this party.

"He's not going to want to talk to me Kie, he made that clear last night." I clipped on a diamond bracelet that matches the earrings and rummaged through my rings to find a cute one to pair with the outfit.

"You broke up with Rafe, I think it will mean a lot to him." I know she's right, but part of me is scared that's not going to be enough after everything he's done.


After I got off the phone with Kie I made my way downstairs and we were driven to the Island Club. We walked inside and I went to go to the back where the party is but my dad stopped me. "We have to wait for the Cameron's, remember?" I shot him a glare at this.

"Dad, I am not waiting here for my ex boyfriend and his family." I huffed, and he stared back at me angrily.

"Ward and I are co-contributors Molly, we have to walk in together." I sighed at this. As always business comes first. "Now put a smile on your face I paid a lot of money for those straight teeth." I rolled my eyes at his remark. Another lovely thing my father does is hang everything he's spent money on for me in my face, like the braces I had when I was ten. Within a few minutes the Cameron's arrived and Ward and my dad shook hands and he greeted my mom and I. So did Rose. I tried to look everywhere except Rafe and thankfully Sarah walked over to me.

"Can we walk in together?" She asked. "I'm trying to avoid Topper."

"Absolutely." I held my arm out and she looped hers through mine so we could walk in. Rafe thankfully didn't try to talk to me and he walked in with Wheezy behind us. As we walked into the party everyone applauded for our family's, mainly for our dad's and their willingness to spend money like it's nothing to them. Once the applause stopped Topper came storming over and before I could try to get her out of it Rafe appeared beside me.

"That was...cute...back there." He remarked, clearly annoyed that I blew him off for the walk in here.

"We're not together anymore, remember?" I hissed, still not looking at him. I caught a glimpse of him earlier and unfortunately for me he looks really good in the tuxedo he bought.

"Molly come on-"

"I'm not doing this here Rafe." I stopped him and walked away. It's not like he can go off on me in the middle of a crowded party. I walked through the crowd and someone came over with a drink tray. As the night went on I mostly talked to Sarah. I spotted Kie by the grill with Pope and I know she wants me to go down there and talk to him, but I've been avoiding it hoping it doesn't go bad. Finally after my third drink I decided I should.


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