Chapter 16

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"Sarah what's wrong?" I asked her once we were back at Tannyhill.

"I didn't know you were friends with the Pogues." She stated with a frown and my heart stopped.

"I-I'm not I-"

"I spent the day with John B yesterday Molly you don't have to lie."

"What?! You spent the day with John B?!"

"Yes and I know about the gold which is why we need to find a plat map of Tannyhill!" I'm not sure how she knows this all but I'm not going to argue with her. "John B told me to meet him at the Hawk's nest at midnight and to bring both the map and you."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I know you and Kie don't like each other and I didn't want it to be weird." I blamed my secrecy on their dynamic.

"I'm not the one with the problem, Kiara is." She reminded me. "It doesn't matter anyway, she's going to have to get over it now that I'm gonna be with John B." I gave her a shocked look.

"I'm sorry...what?!"

"John B and I hooked up yesterday that's why I tried to break up with Topper."

"How did he take it?"

"He freaked out, I didn't even get to actually dump him because my dad asked me not to tonight because of the party." I nodded understandingly. My dad also asked me to deal with my love life tomorrow. We went into her dads office and started looking through his stuff to find it.

"Are you sure it's in here?" I asked, after a few minutes of going through random things.

"Positive." She responded and I looked in another drawer.

"What are you girls doing?" Ward's voice made both of us jump.

"Uh-We.....just wanted a copy of one of the old plat maps." Sarah said and I nodded in agreement. Ward gave us an amused look.

"A plat map? Of Tannyhill. You never wanted to look at those things when I tried to show em to you." He responded with a laugh as Sarah laid it out on the desk.

"Well, since I've been following in my dad's footsteps I've become so...appreciative of this beautiful property you guys live on." I lied through my teeth and although he doesn't look convinced he stayed quiet and Sarah nodded.

"Yeah, I figured it can't hurt her." Sarah backed me up.

"Come on Sarah seriously what is this a school thing?" Ward asked and she laughed.

"No, it's July."

"A Topper thing?"

"Definitely not a Topper thing."| remarked and she shot me a look. "Sorry."

"But it is a boy thing." She admitted and this time I shot her a look. She better not tell him about the gold. "He's a real-go-getter I think you'll like him." She gestured for me to follow her towards the door.

"Hey, who is this mystery history buff?"

"Well if I told you it wouldn't be a mystery now would it?" She joked and we went to leave but he stopped us again.

"Make good choices."

"We will."

"Goodnight Mr. Cameron." I said, and we left to go to the Hawk's nest with the Pogues.


We got to the Hawk's nest and thunder illuminated the sky. John B walked over and I slipped by him to go wait with the Pogues in the Twinkie while he and Sarah talked. "Got room for one more?" I asked them and they scooted over so I could get in. Unfortunately, this little meetup didn't allow me time to get changed so I'm still in my dress. I looked over at Kie to see she looks upset.

"What's wrong?"

"He's bringing Sarah into this." She sighed and I feel bad for her but Sarah is kind of essential to this plan considering she lives where the gold is. A few minutes went by and the thunder still raged outside as we waited.

"You could try to talk to her you know, she's not all that bad."

"Whose side are you on?!" She snapped, and I held my hands up in surrender. I've tried before to get them to patch up their issues but nothing ever works.

"SOMEONE HELP!" We heard and Kie and I both looked out the window. Pope and JJ didn't seem to hear anything and they kept talking.


"Guys!" I shushed them and we all ran outside as Sarah's voice beckoned for help again. We all ran over to the Hawk's nest where John B laid unconscious on the ground.

"Oh my god!" I screamed and tears formed in my eyes.

"What happened?!" JJ yelled.

"CALL 911!" | demanded and threw them my phone. "John B." I tried to open his eyes but he's out cold. Kie started crying and so did Sarah as Pope called for the ambulance.

"Topper shoved him!" Sarah cried out.

"Where is he?!" JJ questioned and we all looked around to see he's long gone. Thankfully the ambulance came quickly and Sarah went with John B to the hospital.

By the time morning came Sarah texted me to let me know that he's okay, and that he's going to be staying at their house in Tannyhill so that way John B doesn't have to worry about CPS bothering him anymore. I haven't heard from Rafe, but I know he's going to absolutely hate that. At least for now John B is safe. I hope he decides to get Topper charged for attempted murder because that was insane. If not at the very least Topper should leave him alone. I laid down on my bed and tried my best to work through everything that happened tonight. Things are starting to get crazy, and it's only going to get worse from here.


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Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Where stories live. Discover now