Chapter 32

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Molly's Pov

I ran home to change and take a quick shower considering I look and smell like complete trash. I still have a bit of time before I need to get to the dump. I got inside and after my shower I went to leave but my parents stopped me. "Where have you been?!" My father's voice snapped from the kitchen and I froze. It didn't look like anyone was home when I got here.

"I've been with Rafe." I lied. If anything, Ward would have told them John B murdered Peterkin so it wouldn't seem too abnormal for me to be with him. They thankfully seemed to buy this and he walked a little closer to me.

"It's crazy isn't it? That Pogue would do something like that to Susan." He scoffed and I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Although I want to point out that Rafe was the one who did it, their ignorance to that might help me right now.

"You talked to Ward?" I asked him, and he gave me a confused look.

"Ward? No it's all over the news." He explained and I'm actually kind of surprised Ward hasn't brought it up to him. "Why does he know something?"

"I don't know." I responded. My phone buzzed and I saw that I only have fifteen minutes until 3:00. "I'll see you guys later."

"Where are you going?" My mom asked, joining the conversation and standing beside my father.

"I'm meeting Rafe, I'll call you guys later." I slipped out of the house before they could stop me and rushed to the dump.


I got there a few minutes late to see the boat in the water there and JJ, Pope, and Kie talking. "There you are!" JJ huffed, and rushed over to me.

"Sorry I got tied up at the jail." I answered and they gave me a confused look. "It's a long story." I took in all of their shaken up appearances and the blood on Pope's shirt. "Whose blood is that?"

"You don't wanna know." Pope replied, and as much as I'm curious he's probably right that I'm better off not knowing.

"John B's not here yet?" | asked, looking around to make sure I'm right. If Topper and I got hauled into jail for no reason I'm gonna be mad.

"He'll be here." JJ said, and before anyone could say anything else, we heard the sound of a police siren getting closer.

"JJ!" Kie called.

"Get on the boat!" He yelled, and we all rushed towards it, but the police car stopped and much to our surprise John B jumped out of the driver's seat.

"I'm sorry what?!" Kie stated.


"You've gotta be kidding me."

"Shoupe let me take it for a spin." John B remarked and rushed over to us before pulling me in for a tight hug.

"Thank you." He whispered in my ear.

"Anytime." I responded as he pulled back.

"Anyone else confused here?" Pope asked, and John B and I laughed. Trying to explain what the hell happened last night is going to take too long and we don't have time for that.

"It wasn't easy bro but I got the phantom for you." JJ announced and tossed him the keys. "She runs like she was made yesterday. Ready to go?"

"Where's Sarah?" He asked, and looked between us. I honestly haven't seen her. I assumed her and John B stuck together.

"She's not with you?" Kie questioned.

"No we got separated in the swamp." John B answered. "She said she was gonna meet me here."

"We haven't seen her." Pope told him.

"I'm not leaving without her."

"John B look at me man." JJ ordered, and he did. "I know you feel bad for leaving her but there's no time man. You've got plenty of gas, you've got plenty of food. Once you get around that point it's a straight shot across the sound to Dismal Swamp okay? Once you get there lay-low alright? Hang out for a couple weeks and then go overland. Cross the border at Brownsville." John B stared off, clearly still thinking about Sarah. "Hey! You got that?!"

"Yeah yeah Brownsville."

"Alright saddle up saltwater cowboy let's do this." John B made his rounds to do quick goodbyes and he gave me another hug.

"I'll make sure Sarah knows how much you love her." I reassured him, although I'm not sure if that makes him feel better or worse.

"Thanks Molly." He answered. "And thank you for everything over the years." I could feel my eyes prickling with tears at the thought of saying goodbye. He was my first friend of the Pogue's and now we have to say goodbye because of something that wasn't his fault.

"Let's hope you're a lot smarter when it comes to driving a boat then you are at math." He let out a laugh at that and gave me one last hug before moving on to Kie. After his individual goodbyes he stood on the boat and looked down at us.

"Hey, I'm sorry for basically throwing us all off a cliff with this whole treasure hunt thing."

"Hey, John B yo...we were bound to run off a cliff at some point, right?" JJ responded and we all let out a laugh.

"At least we did it together..Pogue style." JJ continued, and we all put our arms around each other.

"Pogue style." John B repeated with a smile.

"Now get out of here now!" Kie ordered.

"Seriously go!" Pope backed her.

"See you in Mexico in two months!" I called out to him. He said one last goodbye and we all gave the boat a push before watching him sail away. JJ and I walked off the dock and stood back as Pope and Kie talked for a minute. "That was Rafe's blood wasn't it?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yup." I sighed at this, knowing that Rafe was probably desperately trying to get his hands on John B. "Well it could've been Barry's too but probably mostly Rafe's."

"Lovely." All of the sudden Pope and Kie started kissing and we stared at them in shock.

"Oh wow." I commented, not really seeing that one coming.

"You know Molly maybe we should-"

"No." I cut off JJ before he could even finish that statement. I can only deal with one problematic blonde boy at a time.

"Right yeah I didn't want that either." He said, clearing his throat. Suddenly, the sound of sirens started getting closer. "Hey guys!" He got their attention. "I'm sorry to ruin the party but we gotta run right now!" We went to run but within seconds we were surrounded by police cars.

"Hands up! Hands up!" We all put our hands up as both the police and SBI officers swarmed the area.

"We're too late he's gone! GOD DAMN IT!" Shoupe yelled in frustration. "Where the hell is he?!" He demanded looking at us. We all stayed silent. "JJ I see you're livin' up to your name. Molly see you really wanna do some time. Pope what about you? THIS ISN'T A FUCKING GAME! You can do the right thing right now! Where'd he go?!"

"Suspect has just left station 26 on a small boat need marine patrol to respond." The SBI guy spoke into his radio. "Load em up!" Hey stated, referring to us.

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Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Where stories live. Discover now