New queen arriving in Camelot

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(Merlin's flying house has landed right in front of the real Camelot place itself, Elaine and Tristan looked at each other's and were both amazed to see Camelot so real.) 

(Camelot looked so fantasy like, it had big walls covering the castle front, a gate upfront with guards guarding, along with several windows within the castle, and there was also river in front of the castle flowing down it's path. The environment from the castle felt so surreal) 

Tristan: Um Mr. Merlin, why are you covering yourself with the cloak?


Listen to me, we must stay low once we're inside the castle. 

(Merlin makes eye contact with Lancelot, both knowing that something is already wrong if they went inside the castle) 

Merlin: Camelot has been taken over by... the new King

Elaine and Tristan: What?!

Elaine: New King? How did this happen??

Merlin: I'll explain everything after we deal with the situation, come on now!

(Merlin, Elaine and Tristan were walking through Camelot, they managed to get passed the guards, Elaine notices that the people were staring and murmuring about them)

(As the trio and Merlin were making their way through the castle, they all stopped. Merlin lead them to an empty hallway, he checks left and right being cautious if there was anyone around) 

Merlin: Okay coast is clear

Elaine: I- I don't understand New King? I thought the person who is able to be King of Camelot is if they wield Excalibur, it said so in the books!


It appears that the King somehow has the same high authority as.... King Arthur 

Tristan: That's impossible, King Arthur is the greatest King out there

(Elaine got distracted, she walked away to look out and see Camelot's beauty and she was still amazed by it too, Elaine then turns around back to the others, she was about to say something but was stopped until she felt someone from behind holding onto her, and covering her mouth) 

(Elaine was muffling trying to shout help, Merlin looks up and sees Elaine in trouble) 

Merlin: Oh noo, Elaine!!

(Merlin runs over to help Elaine to fight off the guard from behind her. Lancelot and Tristan looks up and were both shocked, they try to run over to help, but both of them felt their heads being covered by some sort of cloth bag) 

(Merlin was about to use his magic to attack the guards but his and Elaine's head got covered by the bag too, and everything went dark) 

(Inside the main hall of Camelot, King Mark of Cornwall who is sitting on the throne, looks serious as he sees the villagers in front of him. The Knights of the round table except were by his side, and they felt really bad for the villagers but they couldn't do anything about it, because they were all feeling pressured by the King's commands) 


Please your majesty... My children and I have no home... we have no food to eat we're starving....The only reason I stole the bread is because, my family, it's because you didn't give us a home to go too-

King Mark slams his hands on the throne: How dare you question my orders?!!!

(The villagers children were frightened by King Mark, The woman then hugs her children closely, All of them were then interrupted by the opening doors, the guards holding Merlin and the others hostage) 

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