the troll havoc

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(The roar continues to echoes loudly from the village, Elaine and Lancelot both arrive at the scenery and were both surprised to see a huge gigantic troll in front of them, it was mostly covered in rocks and causing chaos and destruction around the village, and was scaring the villagers away) 

Elaine: What is.... That?! 

(The troll stomps on the ground, then threw a cart of apples at them) 

Lancelot: Elaine! Watch out!

(Elaine looks up only to see the cart coming straight at her, Lancelot then quickly pushes Elaine to the side, he was able to save her, the cart crashes)

Elaine: Thank You

(Lancelot nods and helps her back up)

Elaine: We have to stop it, before that thing could really hurt somebody 

Lancelot: M'lady, What do you propose we should do? 


Uhh.... Ok, Lets try leading this this thing away from the village as far away as possible! 

(Lancelot and Elaine were in their ready positions, aiming their swords at the big angry scary looking troll. The troll roars and tries to punch Lancelot and Elaine, but missed, as they both quickly dodged) 

(Elaine charges to fight the troll, but is struggling. Lancelot steps into help. But Lancelot's swords were no match for the troll, no matter how hard he tries to hit the creature, his swords wobble, and couldn't slice through)

(The troll then hits Lancelot across the field)

Elaine: Lance!!

(As Elaine tries to go help Lancelot, the troll quickly grabs Elaine. She then accidentally dropped Excalibur) 

Elaine: No!! 

(The troll continues to roar, then looks at Elaine, Elaine struggling trying to break free, until she looks into the strange trolls eyes) 

Elaine: What are you?! 

(Elaine begins to notice the trolls eyes turning evilly black, and starts chuckling evilly)

Troll/Morgana: Hello little one....

Elaine gasped: Morgana!!

Troll/Morgana: I see you have met my new friend.....

Elaine: Stop causing chaos and face me Morgana!! Not them!


How can you possibly think that you can face me? When you can't even defeat this monster? Hm? Please do tell Elaine...

(The troll was squeezing Elaine, making her harder to breathe)

(Lancelot manages to get back up, he sees Elaine in trouble and was really worried, he decided to take action and charges forward to attack the troll. Lancelot kept on using his sword to fight off the troll as much as much as he can. But the creature didn't feel a thing. Morgana then controls the troll to destroy Lancelot) 

Elaine: Lance, watch out!!! 

(The troll tries to punch Lancelot but he manages to dodge the trolls attack, Elaine then notices Excalibur was still lying on the ground, Elaine was still struggling to break free from the trolls grips, and she knew that the sword of Excalibur was able to kill and stop the troll) 

Elaine: Lancelot, Excalibur! 

(Lancelot looks at Elaine then sees Excalibur across from him, his face was filled with determination. Just as the troll was about to stomp on him without any hesitations, Lancelot quickly stood back up and charges forward to the sword, he then manages to grab Excalibur) 

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