Tristan and the Knights

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(After helping out with Merlin in the library, Tristan was later making his way out, holding and reading a book, and was walking through the halls, Tristan was really enjoying the scenery until somebody bumps into him, As the person bumped into Tristan, he drops the book and falls down)

Tristan: Hey!!


Oh! My apologies I didn't mean to do it on purpose, maybe next time you should look straight ahead instead of keeping your heads in the cloud, or book

(Tristan scoffs at the person's rudeness, he looks up only to see Isolde in front of him and looking down at him, giving him a grinning face. Tristan's jaw dropped as he saw Isolde, still angry at her, he then quickly stood back up to face her)

Tristan: You!!

(Isolde was about to leave but was stopped by Tristan's words)

Tristan: By the way Circus freak

(Isolde grips her hands into a fist wanting to punch him)

Tristan: You still owe me an apology

Isolde: What are you even talking about?


Don't act clueless, you know what, when you made this wrong turn to purposely bump into me and ruin the moment of when I was reading a perfectly good book 

(Isolde rolls her eyes and notices Tristan's book on the ground, she quickly picks it up before Tristan can reach for it.)

Tristan: Hey give it back!

(Sir Galahad, Sir Gaiwan, and Sir Kay along with the rest of the knights all walked passed by until they all see Tristan talking with Isolde from across the hall)

Sir Kay: Oi, isn't that the young squire?

Sir Gaiwan: Aye indeed, and it seems like he's talking to a fair lady

(Sir Galahad shushes them and signals the Knights to hide behind the walls so they could all listen to them both talk. Isolde holds the book up and reads the title out loud)


Mystics, Magic, and Monsters? Really?

(As Isolde was distracted by the cover of the book, Tristan manages to grab the book back from Isolde's hands)

Isolde: Oh come on, you should let me read it

Tristan: Why, so you can mock me?

Isolde: No

(Tristan turns to look at Isolde with a confused look)


So I can pretend to read and easily tease you

(Tristan was feeling frustrated by Isolde)

Isolde: Why do you even read that book anyway?

Tristan: My friend has been cursed for crying out loud!!

(Tristan blurted out loud by his frustration, and people around were looking at both of them, Isolde stopped everything and only looked at Tristan)

Tristan: Cursed, okay?!

Isolde: Oh...... Tristan I'm -

Tristan exhales: Whatever.... we'll get through it.... 

(Tristan begins to leave with frustration, and Isolde was curious and worrying about it. The Knights were also becoming curious onto why Tristan is being rough on Isolde, they all peeked their head out to see, Sir Gaiwan notices Sir Galahad that he was in his thinking positions)

Sir Gaiwan: Sir Galahad, what is on your mind?

Sir Galahad: 

mmm, perhaps it is time for the young squire to embark on this journey with us

(The Knights were watching Tristan walk away, Sir Kay and Sir Gaiwan both looked at each other's then looked at Sir Galahad)

Sir Kay: Are you really saying that the young squire is..... The Last Knight?

Sir Gaiwan: But the coat of arms.... 

Sir Galahad: Aye, If my hunch is correct.....

Sir Gaiwan: What makes you think it would be the young squire, Galahad?

Sir Galahad: perhaps we should ask him ourselves

(As Tristan was walking he felt his hands being grabbed, then his whole body was being dragged by the rest of the Knights)

Tristan: Hey, guys, what gives? Let me go!

(The Knights then took Tristan somewhere to talk, and Sir Gaiwan begins to brush off Tristan's shoulders)

Sir Gaiwan: Why the long face, young squire?

Tristan exhales: My apologies Sir Gaiwan, it's just- I feel so so frustrated!

Sir Kay: Aye, we can see that. But whom are you frustrated at?

Tristan: Maybe you should try asking the crazy lady herself

(Tristan nods his head up, Sir Gaiwan, Sir Galahad, and Sir Kay followed his eyes only to see Isolde walking away)

Sir Gaiwain: Ah, the fair lady?

Tristan: I don't know what that crazy lady's deal, but she keeps getting on my nerves

(Sir Galahad was still in his thinking positions. Tristan continues to open and read his book with a frustrated look on his face, as Tristan continues to flip through the pages. Sir Galahad then noticed the Knights page, showing just only 11 Knights of the round table, and the 12th was the missing Knight.)

Tristan: the 12th Knight, is missing?....

(Tristan slowly looks up at Galahad and the Knights, he begins to count and realizes that there were only 11 Knights)


But that's impossible, there should be 12 knights, What happened, where is the 12th Knight?

(The Knights were all looking at each other's, then looked at Tristan) 

Sir Galahad exhales: Some of us say the 12th Knight betrayed our coat of arms....

(Sir Galahad continues to explain to Tristan about what happened to the missing Knight. )


Wow... I'm sorry about what you guys had to go through all of that....

Sir Kay: And so the Knights then remained 11 of us

Sir Gaiwan:

We hope that some days the missing Knight will return back to us, we can't be the knights of the round table if , one becomes the knight with us

(Sir Gaiwan, Sir Kay, and Sir Galahad along with the rest of the knights all looked at Tristan, Tristan was surprised and was confused to what was going on)

Sir Galahad: 

Young Squire, we have seen you grown into becoming the man we always knew you would be, we believe that you are our missing knight

Tristan: What?! 

Sir Kay:

Aye, indeed, but in order for you to become a Knight, one of us, you be able to prove to us that you have what it takes to be chivalry


But you all know I am protecting my best friend right now, and you all saw I could fight I guess, and that's not?... 

Sir Gaiwan:

You must prove to us with your open mind and an open heart to be chivalrous with the ladies 

(Tristan realized and knew who the Knights were talking about, Isolde. Tristan groaned a bit and sighed knowing he's going to have to be nice to Isolde)

Tristan sighs: I'll see what I can do

(The rest of the Knights smiled at each others, knowing it was all going according to their plan) 

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