La forest, Queen Guinevere

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(Meanwhile, the Eldritch Witch Morgana was in hiding and is furious by Modred's betrayal, using his magic against hers, his own mother. She decides to summon shadow guards to catch Modred who is in the castle) 

(Modred was roaming through the halls alone until he senses someone's presence behind him. Modred grips his hands into a fist, turns around, and tries to punch. Shadow guards managed to hold down Modred and all of them disappeared) 

(Modred finds himself appearing in an unknown location, and was being held hostage by the shadow guards) 

Modred: Guards, What is the meaning of this??

(The guards and Modred walked foward until they both stopped. The guards then pushed Modred down and he lands on his knees, Modred was in confusion to what was going on, he slowly looks up only to see Morgana Le Fey standing right in front of him seriously. Modred's eyes widened) 

Modred: Mother..... I.....

Morgana: You disappoint me, child....

Morgana: I trusted you.... and you dare to justify me? Defying me?! Your own blood?! 

(Morgana was screaming out in anger, furiously at Modred. Modred trying to keep his cool, he kept his head down)

Modred: Mother- please I can explain- 


I refuse to hear another word from you.... I saw your little game back in the main hall..... I know that was your doing, not Merlin....


Tell me what should a mother do to her son who has disobeyed her and trying to justify me? 

(Modred still looking at the ground, doesn't know what to do or say) 

(Loud whispering echoes, Morgana starts saying a spell, she begins to lift Modred off from the ground) 

Modred: Mother.... what- what are you doing?!....

(Morgana ignores Modred and begins crushing his whole body. Modred screams out in pain, because the pain did hurt for Modred, being punished by his own mother) 

Modred: Mother...... please...... I'm sorry.... 

(Modred was looking at Morgana seeing her evil eyes glowing. Modred's face was filled with sorrow and sadness as she continues to crush him. King Mark was around hearing Modred's screams, he came out only to see Morgana crushing his only son) 

King Mark: What is going on here?? 

(Morgana stops and dropped Modred on the ground hard, Modred begins to cough out to catch his breath) 

(Morgana then grabbed Modred by the collar of his shirt, and looked at him straight in the eyes, deadly serious) 


Continue to fulfill your task Modred, fail to do so again, then you're no longer my son anymore....

(Morgana turns away leaving Modred speechless, and heartbroken inside. His eyes says everything, his heart shattered like broken glass, when his Mother told those words to Modred. Morgana and King Mark left the area leaving Modred alone, he sat there, and was beginning to feel frustrated, conflicted, overwhelmed, feeling all hope is lost) 

(Back inside the castle, Tristan and Lancelot were still by Elaine's side, and Elaine was still resting in bed)

???: Elaine?

(Elaine hears a familiar voice, thinking it was either Tristan or Lancelot calling out her name)

???: Elaine, darling....

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