Elaine's first day of training

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(Sun begins to rise the next morning,  Elaine wakes up feeling exhausted from the nightmare she keeps having, she begins to worry and feeling more anxious about it)

(Why does this keep happening? What is with it with all these dreams? Why all of a sudden do I feel weak when i'm coughing, like as if I'm feeling sick? She keeps asking herself these questions and Elaine still has so many questions, but there has been no answers recently.) 

(Elaine got up from her bed, went to get ready and dressed, she makes her way out to the door and meet up with Lancelot) 

(Elaine took some deep breaths while she was out for some fresh air. She walks through the halls, enjoying the scenery of the very own Camelot castle itself. The place felt so magical once you're inside, the walls were ancient, some were written in medieval times language, and the building was nicely built. Guards were mostly Knights seen often around the castle.)

(As Elaine was walking she noticed a dark shadow above her, she turns around looks up and  spots someone watching/spying her from on the staircase. He looks really tall, with medium short black hair, and brown eyes, wearing black or green clothing. Who is also happens to be looking back at her as well) 

(Elaine felt suspicious on who the person was) 

Lancelot: That's Modred in case you were wondering

Elaine was surprised: 

Lance! W-What are you doing here? I thought we were meeting up by the gate


I was thinking for what you said last night, about following instincts, I may not have the power over upper level, but what I can do is well, protect you and your friends from any harm

Elaine: Hm, that's what Merlin said too

Elaine: So basically now you're going to be my bodyguard?

Lancelot: Precisely, at your service my lady 

(Lancelot kneels down and holds Elaine's hands)

(Elaine chuckles with a smiles then takes his hand and curtsy)

Elaine: Your majesty

(Lancelot smiles and got back up)

Elaine: Who's Modred?

Lancelot: He's one of the castle's apprentices, and, Arthur's nephew

Elaine: King Arthur's nephew?!

Lancelot: Yes, both of them never had any good bonding relationships with each other's, they would always end up yelling or fighting.... 

Lancelot: it's best not to encounter him much

Lancelot: Come let us begin your training

(Lancelot leads Elaine away, Elaine looks back to see the person who happens to be Modred, before she could turn to see, Modred has disappear. Elaine was still suspicious of him, she ignores, and both of them were making their way to the center of the castle's training arena) 

Lancelot: Welcome Elaine, to Camelot's world wide training arena

Elaine amazed: Wow!

Lancelot: Knights that have lived in the past, were passed down from generations to generations until this very day the arena is within our grasp.

Elaine: I'm impressed ! 

(Lancelot went to a table to where they have all of the weapons, Elaine was walking around feeling amazed to see the huge arena, Lancelot looks over and smiles seeing Elaine amazed) 

Lancelot: Do you like it? 

Elaine: Like it, I love it, it's incredible! I've heard about this but never had seen it in person before, it's beautiful! 

Elaine: Hey Lancelot, do you really think I can get trained ready, within these two days?

Lancelot: Remember Elaine, Excalibur has now been passed down to you. With the right motivation, and some practice to training , and believing in yourself and trust in your big heart, I believe you'll be just fine

(Elaine looks at Lancelot then smiles, feeling distracted she looks at the arena again) 

Lancelot: Think fast!

(Lancelot threw her a sword at Elaine, with her quick reflexes, Elaine manages to catch the sword with surprised)

Elaine: Woah! Nice try- 

(Lancelot then starts attacking Elaine, Elaine was feeling unconfident and is struggling to fight back, the swords were clinging with each other, and so their training begins) 

Lancelot: Huzzah!

(Lancelot keeps on cornering Elaine, Elaine then blocks him with her sword)

Lancelot: When in battle, you mustn't be scared, you must show your enemies that you capable and willing to fight

Lancelot: Enemies can tell your vulnerability, you mustn't let them corner you, everyone has a weak spot you must find it and fight back! 

(Elaine was struggling trying to escape while Lancelot was still cornering her) 

(Elaine then knee kicks Lancelot in the stomach, Lancelot feels the kick, a bit but resists the pain. Elaine manages to escape and held out her sword aiming at him) 

(Lancelot signals Elaine to come and attack him, Elaine took some deep breath then charges toward to him, and both of them continues to fight) 

(Modred was walking by then sees Lancelot and Elaine fighting each other. So he decides to on them.)  

(Elaine then looks up, and she sees Modred spying on them, Elaine hears the whispers were getting louder, Lancelot manages to push Elaine, Elaine falls down)

Elaine: um... could we fight a little easier?

Lancelot: What are you talking about? This is easy, and it's only just the beginning, your highness.

(Lancelot then helps Elaine get back up, Both continues to fight, and Modred walks away) 

Elaine: Does the Mark guy even know how to fight? All he does is yell at people

Lancelot: You did not know him like I do, he may full of himself, be I've seen what he can do, he keeps fighting to become the best of the best than anyone else ever has.

Elaine: Cuz I am ready to take him down! 

Lancelot pushes Elaine down again: No, you are not ready, you don't even know what the sword of Excalibur is capable of either

Elaine: Look, I was the only one who wielded Excalibur, not King Mark, and I am taking back the throne, for our people's sake, for Camelot.

Lancelot: if you want to stop King Mark, then your first task, is to take me down first

(Elaine takes a deep breath and continues to fight Lancelot) 

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