The Rise of Morgana

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(Voices, and whispers were echoing inside Elaine's head, then a flashback shows when Elaine was fighting through each of the trials, facing off the tribes and the knights, fighting the dragon, and facing the vicious evil King Mark himself, and vision shows Elaine falling down the waterfall, screaming in terror) 

(Water dripping within the caves then breaks Elaine from her vision. Elaine quickly wakes up,  and gasped in shock, she winced feeling a pain in her waist. She realizes that there was blood on both her leg, and waists. Sounds of crackling fire, Elaine breathing heavily, she slowly examines around to figure out where she was but couldn't think straight as she sees a mysterious man by the bonfire)

(Elaine being so cautious of her surroundings she sees Excalibur lying down in front of her, she slowly gets back up, went to grab the Excalibur and was aiming her sword at the person)

(The mysterious person hears and noticed Elaine was awake)

???: I'd put that sword away little girl......

Elaine: Who are you... and where am i?!

(The mysterious person turns around, reveals himself to be Modred) 

(Elaine gasped and kept holding out her sword)

Elaine: S-Stay back! And don't come any closer!! 

(Elaine then felt a slight pain on her waist, which makes her drops the sword)

Elaine winces: Oww! Aaah!.... 

(Modred seeing Elaine in pain, has the urge of wanting to help her) 

Modred sighs: Here 

(Modred hands Elaine wrapping bandages. )

Modred: There are no magic to help you heal, but the bandages should be able to help

(Elaine looks up at him and was confused to why he was helping her, and didn't know what to stay)

Elaine: What are you doing here?

Modred: I could say the same for you

Elaine: Uhhh, I fell from a waterfall? And I asked first

Modred exhales: Nobody comes around the caves often, it's quiet, it's peaceful, this is like.... a safe place for me

(Elaine was listening, Modred looks at Elaine and looks away with frustration)

Modred: Not that it matters....

(Elaine then used the bandages to wrap around her waist and leg. Elaine winced in pain a bit, but continues to wrap) 

(She grabs the sword using it to walk, Elaine was struggling and limping on one leg) 

Modred: Where do you think you're going? 

Elaine: Anywhere but here, I have to get back out there

(Elaine felt the pain again, winced, and fell on her knees. Modred came to help her, but she refuses that she can get back up on her own) 

Elaine coughs: I'm fine!... I'm fine.... Oww...

Modred scoffs: You're just as stubborn as ever. How do you plan on getting out? When you can't even walk straight?

Elaine: Look, if you're going to keep talking, and not helping us get out of here, I can manage on my own with or without you

(Modred rolls his eyes, Elaine was about to fall again before she knew it, Modred quickly caught Elaine in his arms. Elaine looked at him with surprised, Modred looks at Elaine with a serious face on. He quickly caught her in time to help her get back up) 

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