Merlin's redemption

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(After the troll havoc incident, all of the children in the village were living in fear, when they heard that the evil troll causing destruction and chaos. Tristan still feeling blurry by his visions he is starts to hear a voice calling out his name) 

Elaine: Tristan, Tristan? 

(Tristan slowly starts opening his eyes only to see Elaine, and everyone else looking at him) 

Tristan: What?.... What happened?

Elaine: You got knocked out by a gigantic evil troll 

Tristan: Oh man, I wanted to face that thing 

Sir Kay: 

Don't worry young squire everyone was mostly knocked out by it, but you'll soon get your chances to fight a nasty beast for sure

(The villagers then came rushing into the main hall. Elaine and the others were nearby the throne, and were surprised by everyone. All of the villagers were clamoring at once)

Villager 5: It was a cruel monster!

Villager 8: The childrens are frightened, and can't sleep!

Villager 6: Let's kill that beast while we still have the chance!

(The crowd cheers into wanting to get rid of the troll that being Morgana commanded. Elaine was thinking to keep the troll alive, so that they can get more information on Morgana's evil plans and what she is up too)

Elaine: No! We can't kill it, not yet

Villager 7: Has she gone mad?

Villager 9: if there's one there could be many more! Out there!


I know all of you are scared, but please trust us, trust me. We need more information as much as we can, if we want to be able to defeat Morgana 

(All of the villagers disagrees with Elaine's suggestion in wanting to keep the monster. One of the villagers sees Modred next to Tristan, thinking Modred had hurted Tristan)

Villager 10: What is that.... freak doing in the main hall? 

Villager 11: 

That monster is the one who have hurted the young squire! 

(All of the villagers and everyone else looked at Modred, Modred ignored them didn't say anything except he looked down sadly, Elaine then noticed him)

Villager 12: Lets kick him out so the childrens won't be more frightened ! 

(The villagers tries going to Modred, Modred didn't step back and tries to stand brave. Until Elaine and Tristan both stepped in front of Modred, defending him. Modred was surprised to notice how caring Elaine is now to him) 

Elaine: No! You're wrong he is not a freak nor monster

Villager 13: 

Then please do explain how the young squire was not hurted by that.... black sheep 

(The villagers just stared at Modred and only Modred) 

Tristan: You all got it wrong, he didn't hurt me at all, in fact he actually saved me 

Villager 14: Lies!!! 

Villager: Black Sheep!!  

(The villagers continue to argue clamoring towards Elaine and Tristan. The two tried pushing everyone back away from Modred. As they were all slowly backing away, a sword was then thrown in between the villagers and Elaine and Tristan. All of them looked over to see Lancelot is the one throwing his sword. And Lancelot decides to step in)

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