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Party; Chapter
Twenty Five

ADRASTEA had just finished getting ready. Malachi was now taking pictures of the girl pretending he was a photographer, "Good pose" the two laughed together before hearing the doors open they knew that the party was about to begin, "You and Walker should talk tonight remember that you guys are just on a break" she nodded grabbing her phone and going downstairs.

It was now 8pm Adrastea had been drinking a little bit as her mom allowed her too. Walker was no where to be found so she decided to text him.


walkieee babyyy

im sitting outside

im going to u
front or back?



"Hi Walker" her voice slurred as she spoke.
"It's been forever"
"Yes it has" he laughed watching the girl sit down next to him.
"So we should talk about us" she smiled, "Because I miss you"
Walker looked taken aback, "Have you been drinking Adri?"
She shook her head, "Maybe, don't get mad it's my birthday let me live" she paused, "I missed your voice." people kept walking by and going into her house.
Walker stood up and offered his hand to the girl, "Let's go somewhere with less people yeah?" Adrastea nodded and held his hand getting up.
"Where we going?" she said as she was being pulled alongside the ride by Walker.
"To my car we can talk in there." he laughed looking back at her
"You have a car? You can drive?" Adrastea seemed shocked.
"Yes and yes? I have been learning." Walker smiled opening the door for the girl. Adrastea went inside willingly and watched Walker close the door then go to the drivers side letting himself inside and sitting down. "We can talk now."
Adrastea's eyes traced his whole body until she got to his eyes, "I like your eyes."
Walker smiled, "I know you have told me before."
"I wanna touch your hair" she put her hand out. Walker nodded in response. Adrastea laughed as she ran her hands through the boys hair. Walker looked at her face she seemed so amused, Adrastea noticed and looked to him the two made eye contact. She was the first to give in immediately pulling the boy closer to her before their lips connected. Walker obviously kissed back and enjoyed it. Pulling away breathlessly, "Walker no more break okay? I wanna be with you forever and ever." Walker nodded before pecking her lips again, "I wanna be with you forever."
"Forever?" Adrastea questioned
"Always and forever" the boy stated

i was going to keep writing but i decided i was done. 🤪🤪🤪
i'll give you guys like one more chapter of instagram and stuff i guess

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