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A/n: a special chapter of y/n and Johnny, not in that way lol, it's sort of like Johnny showing his dominance. Some readers may find it uncomfortable so feel free to skip, although it's not that uncomfortable 😭🤝.

After that stupid conversation with Johnny, everyone eyed y/n, like she was a celebrity or something, even Ali was giving her the looks. Y/n knew, if Ali saw all of this, the things gonna reach Daniel soon. And y/n didn't want Daniel to know anything, because he already had nough, and if he gets to know what Johnny is doing, there are 101% chance that Daniel will confront Johnny about it.

After the lunch break, y/n still had some time. She went to the restrooms. While she was in one of the stalls, she heard some noise.

It was a girl and a boy, and they were laughing. She didn't know who the girl was, but she recognised the dickhead Johnny.

She decided not to go out and wait in the stall for them to leave.

Y/n was annoyed as to why did the girl bring Johnny in the girls restroom.

From the sounds coming out, y/n soon realised what was happening. They were making out.
She covered her mouth with her hand because she just gasped.

She noticed after some time it went silent, meaning they left. She took a deep breath and cursed her fate today.

" So many uncomfortable situations in one day...." She groaned and left the stall.

Only to find him leaning there against the wall.

"What are you doing in the girls' restroom, huh? Getting all dolled up for me?" He smirked.

" What a dickhead" she thought to herself.

"Johnny, what are you doing here?" She pretended not to know.

"Just taking care of business. But it looks like I stumbled upon something even more interesting." He brightly smiles.

" Not again. 15 minutes ago he embarrassed me. I can't let him do it again." She thought.

" Whatever." Y/n said in a low voice but audible enough for him to hear while she went towards the exit door but Johnny came in front,blocked the path and locked the door, making y/n's eyes go wide, as her heart raced at the idea of being alone with Lawrence in a room.

"Not so fast, Y/n. We're gonna have a little chat."

"Johnny, this isn't funny. Let me out." She was getting nervous.

"Oh, I'm not joking. I just wanted to have a private conversation with you." He grinned while taking a step towards her.

"I don't want to talk to you. Let me out of here!" She was panicking now.

"What's the matter, Y/n? Scared of being alone with me?"

She took a deep breath.

"I'm not scared of you. I just don't want to be here."

𝑮𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒀/𝒏 𝑿 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑳𝒂𝒘𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆Where stories live. Discover now