When stars fade 3

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You can't sleep because of what Jay told you earlier. You should be angry at him, but the way he looks at you makes it difficult to control your emotions.

As that was the first time he had ever looked at you in that way in the five years you've been married, but as you reflect on your experience with Jay It's difficult to get rid of the feeling that he takes you for granted.

In the midst of your thoughts, you simply rolled your body and faced your sleeping daughter beside you.

You put your hand on her cheek.

"I'm sorry my little girl, you've had this
kind of family set up, you don't deserve

It was Saturday and you had the day off, so Estelle's nanny was not in your condo today because you decided that if you were day off, she would go to her family so she could spend it with them.

You were looking at your laptop when Estelle approached you, she was holding her feeding bottle.

"Yes, baby," you said as she attempted to sit on your lap.

"Mommy, where did you get my name?" she asks unexpectedly.

You lean against her and gently pat her arms.

You suddenly remember the day Estelle was born. Jay wasn't on your side that day because he had to go to Seattle for some reason.

You were unprepared at the time so when they asked what you planned to name your child, you blurted out "𝑬𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒗𝒊𝒂 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌." It was a spur of the moment decision.

"Your name came from the stars," you replied with a smile.

"Stars?" She sounds clueless, but you just laugh because of her expression.

"Yeah, stars because through mommy's darkest day, there's a star that provides me light, and that was Estelle." you say, as you lightly touched her chin, making her giggle.

Because even when Jay causes you pain, you still have a reason to fight and keep going, and that reason is your daughter.

The annulment process is slow, but you remain hopeful that it will proceed quickly.

You also file a petition for annulment with the appropriate court, you undergo psychological evaluation in which you express your true feelings and you are happy because you have improved from the emotional experience you have endured.

The following day, your attorney sends you an update on your annulment. He says Jay hasn't signed the paper yet, which is why it's still pending.

That's why, when you had time, you went to your old house to ask Jay about the papers. But when you arrived, he wasn't there, so you tried to go to his condo instead but he wasn't there either, so you decided to go and re-schedule it. But just as you were about to go to the elevator, Aliana unexpectedly appeared when the elevator door opened.

You're at a loss for words as your body freezes for a split second because you're now facing her.

She's smiled at you, so you're smile back despite the awkward situation.

You suddenly realize that, aside from her, you've never had the opportunity to visit Jay's condo since Jay only allows her to do so.

"Are you here to see Jay?"  she asks.

Even though you are Jay's wife, you suddenly felt uncomfortable because it seemed like she was Jay's wife and you were just some random person.

"Yes," you said.

"He's still at the company, he said he'll be home by 8PM" she replied.

You laugh in your head, knowing she knows everything about Jay.

"Ah, okay, I'll be back some other time," you said as you walked, but you abruptly stopped when she asked.

"Can we talk?" she politely asks.

You nod and give her a smile.


You two chose to go to a nearby coffee shop near the condo.

Aliana offered you a coffee, but you declined because you don't drink coffee, so she ordered a smoothie instead.

You could tell Aliana was a nice girl just by looking at her. Now you understand why Jay continues to choose her despite the fact that he is married.

You can't help but compare yourself to Aliana when you look at her.

She was a prim and proper lady, an elegant lady to be proud of. And it hurts you every time you remember Jay's smile when Aliana was the topic.

"Thank you," she said to the waiter after he set the food down.

You glance at your wrist watch to see if your lunch break hours are about to end.

Aliana noticed it, which is why she approached you with concern, but you assured her that everything was fine.

"How are you?" she asks.

"I'm doing fine," you said.

"How about Estelle?"

"She's fine, but there are times she always finds Jay."

"You can bring her to Jay's condo, don't worry, I won't go there if Estelle is there, so they can spend quality time together," she said with a smile.

You simply smile at her because you don't know what to say.

You were both silent for a second before Aliana spoke, which is why she caught your attention.

"It's about Jay," she stated.

You instantly feel like a knife is stabbing you from within as soon as she says your husband name.

"What about him?" You replied.

Aliana tries to smile again, but her eyes are filled with sadness.

"To be honest, I want to hate you," she said, taking deep breaths as she spoke.

"But I choose not, because you are still the mother of Jay's child, and I want to love everyone who surrounds him."

As you listen to her, you get the impression that every word she says has a deep meaning.

"When he says he will marry you because he got you pregnant I ask him to end our relationship but he refuses, so even if I don't want to, I accepted to be a mistress because I know I am the first woman, before you."

You were still staring at her until you noticed Aliana tearing up. She gently fanning his eyes with her hand so the tears would stop.

"I was overconfident that I was the only one he loved, but after her daughter was born, everything changed, but aside from that I understand him, because I love him, so I give him my support, but in the last few days I've noticed a change in the way he acts and I'm afraid he'll leave me."

Aliana gets your hand while her tears stream down her cheeks.

"Please, I beg you, convince Jay to sign your annulment, I can't live without him," she cried.

Since then, you've been envious of her since Jay is constantly focused on her.

He occasionally leaves the house simply to see her and he often prepares gifts for her on special occasions-something he never does for you even once.

Also, there are times when he needs to pick up Aliana so he leaves you in the mall and let you ride a transport.

And the most painful part is that he wasn't there to guide you during your first trimester pregnancy when you were experiencing vomiting and morning sickness, because he was with Aliana all the time.

And now that you see her begging you to convince Jay you don't know what to do, since why would she beg if in the first place Jay was ready to give up everything only for her.

You take your hand from Aliana's hands while trying your hardest not to cry.

"Jay was never truly mine in the first place, she loves you, so there's no reason for him not to sign it." you said as you left her.

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