When stars fades 6

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"If I say yes, would you give me a chance?" He was staring at you as he waited for you answer, until a tear streamed down on your cheeks.

You shook your head as you looked at him and covered your face with both hands.

"I-cant." you said.

When your tears fell, you felt the urge to remember everything he had done to you in the past, and it's not easy to erase it. It's difficult to pretend he didn't hurt you because the wound he leaves is so deep.

Jay chuckled because he didn't expect that reply from you.

"Do you really hate me that much?" He asked while staring at you but you didn't respond. You just kept crying until you suddenly felt weakness in your knees causing you to sit down with your hands on your face.

You had been waiting for him to say it for the past 5 years, that he was ready to choose you over her, but now that he is, you don't understand why you're still unhappy.

Jay left after your conversation, which is why you cried all night. When morning arrives, you decide not to go to work because you believe your mind will be blank due to stress.

You didn't leave the house all day, and when Estelle's nanny arrived. She wondered why you weren't going to work, but you just said you weren't feeling well so she asked if you wanted something to eat, but you just said you were full and wanted to rest.

You've been thinking about what Jay said all day because it's difficult for you to believe he'd be willing to do that, given how much Aliana means to him.

How can you believe his words that he can leave Aliana just for you when the only person he prioritized in your entire marriage was Aliana?

You tried to fight your relationship even though you knew you were risking, but you refused to give up because your child needed him. But now that you've decided to give up and give him his freedom, he'll act as if he can't lose you. Why is he still giving you mixed feelings if you will end up hurting again.

Your coworkers asked you what happened the next morning when you arrived at work with swollen eyes and you said it was because of the k-drama you watched the night before.

"Oh, I thought something had happened to you because you were absent yesterday." your workmate said.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," you replied a thumbs up.

When the afternoon came, you decided to go out to get some coffee because you were worried about sleeping at work due to a lack of sleep.

"One frappe latte," you said before handing over the money.

While you wait for your frappe, you find a table. And as you sit you decided to look for Estelle's picture, you couldn't help but smile as you swiped through her recent pictures, but when the next one appeared, you became serious.

It was a photo of Estelle and Jay in which she was hugging his father while Jay carried her.

You suddenly feel pain in your chest as you realize your daughter has no idea what her parents are going through.

You suddenly recall the day when she was asking about Jay after you moved into the condo with her, she asked why her dad was not coming, so you lied and said that her dad was busy at work when in fact he was busy with another woman.

You suddenly consider how Estelle would react if she discovered that her dad lies to her.

"Here, ma'am," your gaze is drawn to the staff as she gives your order.

"Thank you," you replied.

You're still sipping your coffee when you notice a familiar figure enter the shop.

You had just thought of him a moment ago, and now he's here with the woman you'll be jealous of.

You laugh sarcastically, knowing that the one he was referring to give up is the girl next to him, who is holding his hand and smiling at him.

You get up from your seat and decide to leave the coffee shop because you can't stand seeing them like that knowing that you're being swallowed by the truth that what he told you last night was not true.

You laugh painfully as you realize he has fooled you again. It's funny to think he'll pick you when you know Aliana is the one who truly matters to him.

After work, you immediately went home because you needed to rest, all you wanted to do was to get home and give your daughter a big hug.

You were ready to enter the elevator when you suddenly remembered the ID you've had for two days.

You realized you still hadn't given it to the reception because you'd forgotten it, so you headed there to do so, but, as you were walking away, a man in a white uniform caught your attention.

He was talking with the front desk personnel while tapping his fingers on the counter.

"If there is ever information about my ID, will you please call me in my unit right away? I badly need it."

"No problem, sir, we will update you as soon as we have information about your missing ID," the receptionist said.

You look at him for a second to make sure it's him because he's not wearing a mask but when you realize it's the student in the ID, you catch his attention which is why he looks at your side.

"Excuse me," you said.

"I got your ID last night," you said as you showed the ID you got two days ago.

He took it from you before checking the inside lace you didn't notice the hidden pocket between the ID. And when he sees it, he looks relieved.

"Damn, I thought I lost it," he said as he put it into the side pocket of his uniform.

"By the way, thank you," he said as he extended his hand for a handshake.

"No problem" You say, as you take his hands.

"May I ask how you got my ID?" He asked.

"I was in the elevator with you last night, but I don't think you noticed because you seemed tired and when you walked out, I saw that an ID had fallen."

He chuckled when he realized what had happened the night before.

"Yeah, I remember being in the elevator with someone, but I didn't notice my ID fell." He replied, as he took a quick glance at his watch.

"Shit!" He gasped, when he realized the time.

He gives you a brief look before tapping your shoulder.

"I'll have to leave, but I hope to see you again, Ms."

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