When stars fades 10

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When you walked in, you saw Jay standing there with Estelle, putting her to sleep. He was dressed in a backward cap, a loose shirt, and pajamas when he saw you drenched from the rain, his brow furrowed slightly.

"I texted you and asked if you wanted me to
pick you up, but you didn't respond, look at
you now, what if you get sick?" he worried.

You look at him as you take off your sandals.

"No need to pick me up, I can go home without you," you say as you approach Estelle and kiss her cheeks while Jay is still carrying her.

Jay looks at you, but you don't look back
since you have nothing to say to him.

You place your belongings on the table before grabbing a tissue to dry them. Jay returns to the kitchen after putting Estelle to sleep, you see that he has already finished cooking dinner and is getting ready to make you food, but you stop him because you are already full.

"I'm not going to eat, Jay," you told him, which caused him to pause for a moment before returning the plates to the cabinet. You didn't want to hurt his feelings, but you're not really hungry and if you get hungry, you can still eat later.

You're well aware that Jay senses your cold treatment towards him, and to be honest, your conscience didn't put you to sleep because after all you still love him. But how can you move on if you aren't helping yourself?

When night falls, Jay sleeps in the living room, while you and Estelle sleep in your room. Despite the fact that you are aware that Jay cannot fit on a sofa due to his height you never told him that he is not authorized to sleep in your room, but since he said he's fine in the living room, you let him.

It's 12:00AM but you still can't sleep, so you decide to go outside to get some water because you're thirsty when you saw Jay laying in the sofa.

"Jay" You tapped his shoulder as you spoke and for a brief moment you thought he was awake because his eyelids were slightly open haha, but you soon realized he wasn't.

His hair is still tied up in a ponytail with a black band that he usually wears as a bracelet. You can't help but stare at him, how could you know that you'll be married to a handsome guy like him, even if you're just an average beauty you suddenly realize that maybe one of the reasons he didn't like you before is because you're not as beautiful as Aliana.

Well, he never said that, but you can't help but wonder if he had that thought before you gave birth to Estelle, you hoped that he would get the looks of her father but the faith didn't allow it because your daughter has the same features as you, but the difference is that her face was perfectly formed.

As he was sound asleep, you went to your room to get a blanket for him. You wrap the blanket around him and kiss his forehead.


Estelle is with Jay's family, so you and Jay are the only ones who left the condo.Since it's Sunday, you decided to go for a jog, but when you opened the door, you saw Riki, who was on his way to the gym and you were about to run towards him when Jay grabbed your wrist.

"Wait," he warned.

When you look him over from head to toe, you notice he's wearing a black sando and gym pants, as well as his cap backwards.

"I'll come with you," he said, and you frequently notice that he is always like that when you leave.

"Okay," you replied, confused.

You intend to jog but end up walking to the gym because you know Jay's purpose is to go to the gym. He was walking alongside you when you noticed he was on his phone.

"Busy?" you asked, but he quickly slipped his phone into his pocket, and look at you.

"I'm not texting Aliana," he told you.

"I never said you were texting her, so why are you defensive?" you asked.

"Because I know that's what you're thinking," Jay says, keeping his cool.

"Defensive," you said.

"Are you jealous?" He said.

You look at him.

"Why would I, we're not even together," you say, rolling your eyes at him.

When you get to the 15th floor and you're on your way to the gym, you hear Jay curse, which causes you to look back at him.

"Fucking sh-" he murmurs as he stumbles over the humps. You can't help laughing at the expression on his face, well that's his fault because he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. And as well as you both arrived to the gym Jay expression even more frowning when he sees Riki there while lifting a dumbbell.

Jay looks at you.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" he asked, knowing you'd see Riki there but it's late because you know Riki was on his way here when you saw him earlier.

"I don't want." you replied as you walked inside.

"Riki," you call, but Riki doesn't seem to hear you because he's wearing airpods while attempting to lift the dumble.

Jay tried to stop you from calling Riki but he failed, so he had no choice but to follow you as you approached him.

When Riki recognizes your figure at the side, he looks at you with his brows raised, slightly surprised. He dropped the dumble before facing you, and that's when he realized you're with Jay. He chuckled before instructing you to get closer to him.

He whispered something. "Why did you bring your dog."

You didn't understand what he meant at first, but when his hand was secretly pointing at Jay, you realized it was him. You slap his arm and try not to laugh because you notice Jay is already glaring at you.

You didn't take it seriously because you knew he was joking, but when you look at Jay, he tilts his head as he shifts his gaze to you and Riki.

Riki approaches Jay and taps him on the shoulder.

"It's morning, why are you such a hothead?" he teased, but Jay swiped his hand away.

Riki just laugh by his reaction before he lift one of weight dumbbell. When Jay notices you watching him, he goes to the other equipment and does the same thing Riki does.

Riki's expression is amusing, while Jay's expression is serious. You're not sure if they're serious about what they're doing or if they're just competiting. All you want to do is jog, but you ended up watching them work out together, so you just sit on the side and observe.

You're glad Estelle isn't here because you know she'll cheer for Riki instead of her Dad.

Jay looks at you for a split second, but you just raised your brow.

"How much are they weight?" He asked the fitness trainer.

"100 kg," The trainer said, but Jay was unsure at first whether he would lift it.

"Can you try it first?" Jay asked the trainor, so the trainor did it and demonstrated it to him but Jay was still undecided. Riki was also noticing it, so he stopped from what he was doing just to watch it.

When the trainer finished lifting the 100kg dumbbell, Jay goes over to it and tries to lift it but he fails because it is so heavy, so he tries it again with two hands, but the results are the same.

"Damn," he gasped loudly when he failed.

Riki was laughing in the back after seeing him, and you tried not to laugh too, but you couldn't help yourself.

Jay keeps an eye on you but you simply avoid his gaze because the more you look at him, the more he funnier he appears.

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