Chapter 6

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Once Englot came back the video started to play.

Press:Are you excited?

C:I feel like I'm about to meet a celebrity.

Press:Celebrity? Engfa? You've never met before?

C:No, never!

Press:This is the first time?!

C:Yes, first time!

Press:For real?!

C:Oh no. I saw her in BKK.

Press:But you were attending the final, right?

C:She didn't see me then.

(Plays a flashback)

Charlotte went to the final show of Miss Grand Bangkok with her best friend Marima.

PP:Are you shocked?

M:No, I'm not because I'm ok with whoever wins. I feel like they're all equal.

(Flashback ends)

Press:Engfa, Charlotte is right here.

Englot saw each other and they both immediately hugged each other even though they were super shy. They both had tears in their eyes.

Press:How do you feel right now having met her in person? Is it overwhelming?

C:We usually only talk during live but now that we've met in person, we got to talk, touch and see each other. Its overwhelming. I'm so glad and I'm shaking a lot right now.

In another clip it shows Char, Nampez, Baitoey and Engfa. Char was so shy seeing Engfa she didn't know what to do.

Fans:Don't forget the cheeks squeeze.

C:How much are you transferring?(laughs)

Englot hugged again while fans were cheering and screaming.

Fans:They did. They did the transfer.

C:Somebody said she wanted to squeeze my cheeks when we met, right? Are you brave enough?

Engfa immediately squeezed Chars cheeks. Char panicked and immediately grabbed Engfa hands and moved then away smiling.

(The video ends)

Char:I really had to say are you brave enough. (Blushes)

Engfa:I build up the confidence after she said "Are you brave enough".

Char(Gets teary eyes):Oh..

Heidi(surprised):Why are you crying? (Immediately gives Char tissues)

Char:Seeing how we were back then. We were so comfortable with each other and everything.

Heidi:Do you want to take a break?

Char:Mai ka. It's fine. (Wipes her tears)

Heidi:Mai. Let's take a break.

BTS:Englot Where stories live. Discover now