Chapter 10

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Tina:Welcome back. Ready?

Heidi:Let me play this video for me. (Pouts)

Plays the video)

Heidi tried to kiss Charlotte's ear.

C:Heidi! I got goosebumps! (Smacks Heidi's arms)

H:See? The ship sunk because you do something like this. Cam you at least let my ship sail for a bit?

C(Dying laughing)

H:Smacked ne so hard, the cellulite bounced off of my skin. I'm soooo confused!

Different clip

Nampez was recording herself and in the background you hear Englot.

C:I miss you P'Fa. I felt so lonely last night.

E:Lonely? I saw you were with Heidi.

C:We were doing our nails.

Nempez turns the camera to Englot and they were talking and holding hands.

P:This two are holding hands. They're holding handsssss.

E:Damn. I was picking my nose. (Laughs)

P:They're still holding handsss.

C:Someone said she was so lonely because no one eas available to go live with her.

Clips end)

Heidi:Why did you let our ship sunk?! (Fake crys)

Char(laughs):You made a new one with Tina and it went crazy na. Plus. I wanted to be loyal to P'Fa. Im a rabbit but I'm a cat to P'Fa only.

Engfa:Chars is possessive. I mean she's really possessive of what's hers.

Video starts)

Charlotte is live and she saw a photo of Engfa on Facebook.

C(shows the photo):Ima hit her for posting this pic. It's too revealing. I can't be handsome to be honest. I wanna try though. Here, let me try. Oyyy. The sunglasses came up!!! Ohooo!! One more time, 1,2,3 lol. 1,2,3, okay... (poses) I can't be handsome. I'm not P'Fa.

Different clip

Charlotte was putting on perfect and was leaving her room.

C:Everyone, I'm gonna end it now. We're gonna have dinner.

E:Are you doing Live?

C(Hugs Engfa):Its Tiktok. I wanted to get gifts. Ba byeee.

Clips end)

Char:So about that. I was coating Engfa in my perfume. To let other know she was mine.

Engfa(eyes widen):Yeah I smelt her perfume on me all night. I told you Char jealousy is crazy.

Char(Crosses her arms):Now everyone knows she mine. I don't like sharing what's mine.

BTS:Englot Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon