Chapter 8

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Heidi:Now let's get into your live after the Gala Night event.

Char:Ahh another Golden moment.

Eng:I was so damn tired. I'm not even kidding.

(The live)

E:I'm so tired!

C:Someone has been complaining since entering the room. The first sentence she said was "I'm so tired."

E:Are you live?


E*humming a song*

C(reading a commemt):The tone of voice has changed. You want me to speak to P'Fa in a harsh voice? Are you crazy? P'Fa!


C:That's not it. P'fa like this. It's kinda cute.

E*Recording herself thanking all the fans for the gifts*

E:"I see nobody, nobody but you"

C:*Lip syncing*

C:Someone asked "Why Engfa is calling Charlotte "Nuu" when they are alone but "Ter" when they are in public"

(Ter=You,Nuu=You(in a cute way))

E:I also call you "Nuu" in public. I rarely call you "Ter". Just once in a while.

C:Got it guys?

(Video ends)

Tina:You were so tired.

Engfa:I most definitely was.

Heidi:So we know that you both got separated into different groups to do MGT's activities.

Char:Chai ka. But everything was okay! I got tease alot you know. My fandom line open chats were crazy because of the interview Engfa and I did about people shipping us. It was crazy. I gained 20k followers after that. Shit was crazy. Oops sorry. (Laughs)

Tina:So Engfa You went live and cried because you really appreciated that your fans spent alot of money on the popular vote for you.

Engfa:Ahh yes. I normally don't cry but wanted to show my fans how thankful I was.

(Video plays)

E(reading a comment): No matter what happens I'll always be here. I've never regretted or disappointed that I voted for you. You know that right? Thank you so much. Really. See? I got emotional right now. I'm going to cry.

Engfa was crying and later PP(Porpiere) joined the live.

C:Someone is crying?

E:Don't tell me you went downstairs wearing this rope.

C:Yes. I'm also here. Why don't you let me comfort you?

BTS:Englot Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum