chapter 2

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After I barely managed to get to school i saw Dave
Who always bullied me, how worse can today be

"hey witch" Dave said but I didn't pay attention

"you know you look like an old hag with that disgusting white hair of yours?"

I didn't reply so he slapped the back of my head.

"Dave i'm not in the mood."

"So what? You know that with just a flick of my finger I can ruin your whole life right?"

I roll my eyes "yeah yeah i know im sooo scared." I say sarcastically.

He punched my face and grabbed my collar "say that again bitch."

"Sorry..." I mutter a little afraid.

"Oh so you're sorry now?" He goes for another hit when my bestfriend Jess jumps in.

"Stop it Dave!" He stops at her voice, my bestfriend Jessica.

"Jess!" I say with a bit relief knowing that Dave won't do anything in front of her because he has a crush on Jess.

"Why are you hurting her?!" She said in fury.

Dave just spit on my face and left and I didn't even bother to clean it because I was so sad for what was happening to me.
Jess knelt down beside me and wiped my face with a concerned look.
"Did something again happen at home?" She asked.

"My mom got stitches, but I still don't know the reason of their fight last night." I then wince at the thought of last night.

Jess's hand prungs up to her mouth as she gasps "I'm so sorry for you! Is she okay?" I smile slightly

"She's fine."
Jess nods not questioning further "Let's get to class."
I nod and rush to my locker getting necessary stuff and go to my first class as the bell rings.

[Time skip to lunch break]

As soon as this class ends and lunch break begins  I grab my diary and sit under a tree writing in it, sooner or later Jess appears with two plates of lunch she places mine at my feet and sits beside me "hey Nay what're ya doin?"
"Nothing much, just writing what happened yesterday."
Jess looks at her plate of food then turns to look at me. "Nay... I found a boyfriend."
I immediately close my diary and look at her "who?" I say.
Jess giggles "he's really cute... his name is Trace."

"Ooooohhhh, I gotta meet him girl gotta make sure he deserves you."
Jess looks at me her gaze saying Really girl? Then we both laugh
Being with Jess always keeps my mind off the things going on at home, I really love her
AS A FRIEND, she understands me or how im feeling even if I try to hide them.

We eat our lunches and head back to class this time Dave doesn't intervene while going home because Jess was coming with me, we talked the while way till her home arrived I wished her a bye and headed my home "we should go home together often." I muttered to myself because this way I wasn't getting beaten up bye Dave so I happily entered home. My saw dropped as I opened the front door as I stood there watching the scene before me unfold, my dad was literally choking my mother, and I saw alcohol beside him. Shit... he is drunk too, my mother's face was red from being choked I rushed to them and pushed my dad away.
"Stop this madness!! This is getting too far!"
Before a knew it, he hit me and I fell on the ground. I look at him with tears in my eyes.

"You don't deserve to be a father! Father's are supposed to protect their family not hurt them!!"
"Natalie! Go to your room."
"No mom... not today"
"I said go!"
I love my mother very much but this time i wont hide, I will stand here and protect her. My dad grabbed my hair dragging me to the closet and locked me inside, he knew I was afraid of the dark... I banged on the door
I screamed but no one came, gradually I grew tired and stopped screaming, after what felt like eternity my mother opened the closet. I squinted my eyes as I saw many bruises, no hickeys? Why does she have hickeys? I narrow my eyes and get out of the closet "Why are you covered in marks?" I ask fully knowing it was related to dad but she kept quiet.
"No more words, go to your room."

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