chapter 3

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"But why was dad angry last night? You didn't tell me..."
My mom just frowned and touched the scar on her forehead.

"You are too young to know."
"I'm almost 18"
"Almost, not yet."
I also frowned at her reasoning.

"Go to your room."

I finally listened and went to my room. Why doesn't she ever let me help her? All I want is to protect her, i know that dad locked me in the closet for God knows how long, and till i got insane but im not so what's the big deal? And what were those marks all over her neck, I thought they were hickeys... but why would she have them? I sigh and drop on my bed

"Damn.... I need to clear my mind."

I climb down my bed and climb down out of my window to the back yard. I was casually walking
walking around the yard in the pitch dark, I know i said that I'm terrified of the dark earlier but I'm not afraid right now because the dim light of the moon is shining upon me and the soft cool breeze really calms me. I hear a rustle from the breeze.
Then I saw a dark black figure run towards me and I freeze my eyes widened, I try to scream but the figure grabbed my mouth shut.
"Shut up." The figure told me sternly then the last thing I remember before I black out was a sharp pain at the side of my arm.

I wake up and look at the unfamiliar ceiling as I try to get up I hear metal clanking together. I see my hands tied to the bedpost.

"What the?" I struggle to move even a little bit trying to remember how I even got here then it clicked it me... I have been kidnapped at night... I saw a man coming towards me and tried to scream but he quickly covered my mouth and leaned closer to my ear.

"Shhhhh... don't scream or else you will be in trouble~ now... be a good girl~" he then kissed me forcefully dragging his hand up my stomach to my chest, I panicked and bit his lip.

"This bitch how dare you." He slapped my face hard.

All I could do was sniffle. Another man from behind speaks. "Don't hit her she's precious."

"We dont know that yet." He turned his head.

"Even if not she got unique hair." The man entered the room with an apple.

"That's true, we could sell her off." He took a set of keys.

"Shut up and keep an eye on her." Took a bite of his apple.

The first man unlocked my hands, it hurt a bit assuming I have been restrained for a long time, I rub the marks on my hand to soothe it a little.

I saw someone beside me, I was still a bit hazed so I rubbed my eyes and my eyes widen seeing who it is. Jess?!

"J-Jess... is that you?... Jessica?"

She opened her eye and sighed.
"Stay quiet." She said, I gave a small nod but still confused.
"Why am I here? Why are you here???"
She just pressed a finger to my lip. "Shhhhhh!"
What the hell was going on?!

One of the men enter the room with a gun from those shooting games like fortnite or call of duty
Or something, you know what I mean.

"Isn't it those game guns?" I whispered to Jess.

"It's with a silencer." She replied.

"How do you know?"

"I just know, now shut up Nay."
I thought it was a fake gun until I saw him shoot someone outside the window and then a loud yell of pain. I flinched immediately, the man looked at us.
"Oi the girl with the white hair." I froze.

"Y-y-y-yes?" I barely muttered it out.

"Stand up" without any resistance a stood up, my hands up in the air but I feel something wet under my feet I look down and gasp... its... blood.

My breath became shaky as the man gripped my hair tightly and led me to another room with nothing but a table and two chairs. I tried to calm my breath as he motioned me to sit and that's what I did I sat down my face sweating, I'm really confused and scared and I don't know my head is hurting from all the things that happened to me for the past two days.

The man slammed his hand on the table.


"N-... Natalie... please don't hurt me..."

"Answer what you're asked for nothing else." He said the last part louder that the others.

"So, do you know who stole our information?"

I narrow my eyes, information? What information? I shook my head "I dont know..."

He slammed his hand on the table again "Answer me OR ELSE."

I shook my head a bit scared now "i-i don't know what you're talking about."

"Speak bitch I know that you father must've told you something before he left."

My father left? When? Who is taking care of mom and Kade? "Dad left?"

"Tell. us. who. stole. our. information."

"I swear I don't know."

"Bring the other bitch." He ordered to a masked guy he nodded and went outside, after a few seconds he brought Jess into the room, the man who was yelling at me earlier grabbed her by the hair and placed a gun on her head.

"Now will you tell us."

Jess looked at me with pleading eyes she started crying.
"I-i-i don't know" I barely spoke out.
Then there was a loud bang and a thud most of the blood splattered on me and the man.

"AAAAAAH!!!!" I scream I fall down my chair as I saw my best friend die right in front of my eyes I am very scared I am shocked the and all these emotions struck me at once what why how?? I black out.

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