Chapter Thirteenth

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The week went by slowly, crawling like the dead.

As you'd requested, June produced the letter from Charles. It was written kindly, as expected of Charles, but that doesn't really make his decree any less morbid.

Your Teacher, Lame- er- Lane, hasn't let up on his attitude toward you. And Charles visits frequently, much to Lame's annoyance.

Today, as per usual, Charles briefly greeted you as you hopped of the creaking transportation vehicle, ignoring those around you.

"Are you excited? You're going to be sorted today!" Charles was cheery even this early in the morning, nudging you to walk and wake up with his body in his usually intimate manner.

As each day goes by you find yourself being more and more annoyed. It started on the first day with Lame, but now it's extended to even the way the first kicks up when you walk.

Charles has been extraordinarily patient, as he often is, despite this obstacle. He hasn't found the reason for your irrational anger, saying his advanced supplies doesn't arrive for a few more days.

"The merging will happen near the end of your training. They're bringing more supplies, I promise we'll figure out what wrong.

Now than, why don't we get something to eat on your way to class?" Charles rubbed your shoulders comfortingly as he directed you up the school's stone stairs.

Ordering for you, prepared food was brought to you before you even reached the classroom.

As the two of you reached the door Charles gently maneuvers you to face in him, puffin into his chest in pride.

"God... you're just so healthy! I'm so proud of you!" Charles gushes, pulling you into a tight hug.

As he released you, Charles turns you body around and opens the old door for you, gently pushing in with a hand in your lower back.

Entering the bustling classroom, you directed yourself to Asher, who still hasn't given up his poem writing.

Asher perks up the moment he sees you, scooting his chair over with a loud grating scrape.

Normally, you might have considered murdering him for annoying you, but Asher is just so...


Just being near him calmed you down, like ice cold water is being dumped on top of your fury flame.

Taking a seat in the chair he deliberating put out for you, you say next to Asher.

"Cossette, look!" Asher scooted a piece of paper toward you and you mentally prepared to consume lethal amounts of cringe.

But you didn't.

The paper contained a silly little drawing, with you in it.

Or you assume its you. Who else looks dead and has one funky leg?

"I know you've been stressed lately, and chances are Lane is gonna separate us out of spite, so I wanted to give you a gift!" Asher grinned brightly. You almost feared the sheer sunny-ness of his attitude would wipe you out of existence.

"Thanks..." you looked down and fidgeted a little. You weren't shy, but his gift took you by surprise.

"It's no p-"

"Everyone shut up. It's time to start." Lame interrupted poor Asher, pissing you off in record time.

"Listen closely, I'm going to read off each of your positions, and I won't say them twice!"

Lame read of each person and the category of work they are assigned to.

Red is military.

Green is agriculture.

Yellow is search and retrieve.

Blue is personal jobs like cooks, cleaners, resource managers, that kind of thing.

You wanted red. You want to show what a real soldier could be as opposed to the cowards who point their guns at every moving thing.

Maybe it's the imbedded fury, but you are 100% ready to blast every last monster back to hell.

"Cossette, you're Green." Lame slammed down the permission sheet in front of you angrily.

You stared at the sheet of paper as though you could cause it to burst into flames.

Such a fucking pain...


"Cossette! What'd you get!" Charles asked, leading me to lunch.


"Green? Green's good! You get free food!"

"I get it anyway."

"Uhm... yes I suppose that's true." Charles found himself at a dead end in your conversation. It's clear you're unhappy.

"Well... what did you want? Maybe I can do something!" Charles offered.


"...uh... anything... else..?"


"...Oh... okay..!" Charles tried his hardest to keep the conversation upbeat.

Charles and you found seats within his office as awkward silence ensued.


"There any news on the child relocation law?" You asked.

Charles smiled kindly, happy to hear you talk, "Yes, there is. The merge will allow children with family to stay here. This means that whoever you're looking for is related or in your family, they can stay in the community.

It doesn't mean you'll have right to the child, but they'll be permitted to stay in the south building."

You sighed a sigh of relief and wondered about how Gabriel may be doing.

"What's the situation with Leo...?" You asked, a little nervous to ask.

Charles avoided eye contact for a moment before speaking, "He's... around. I don't think he's realized there are bases yet. We've gone great lengths to avoid him.

Though recently... he's been moving around. We can tell where he is because of his minion's toxic sludge. It's a clear trail of his destination.

It seems like he's looking for something, though we aren't entirely sure. It's just a hunch." Charles answers, typing away on his computer.

"Creepy..." you shuddered.

Charles laughs, "Yeah, creepy."

919 Words. Unedited.

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