Chapter Fifteen

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The sun wasn't even peaking on the horizon, and yet golden light had begun to pour through the sky and off your lakeside view illuminating you living room and kitchen.

It was beautiful, the highest of many of your days.

But the golden light of a days beginning is not enough to purify your morbid thoughts. Not this time.

Your mind wasn't quarreling with itself, at least, but you know that's temporary.

You wanted to go just... leave.

To just walk out into the woods, through the abandoned cities, past magnificent oceans.

But you guessed you'd just have to settle to dream for a walk. If you did go for one, you'd be reported and likely taken.

You didn't bother sitting anywhere, just standing in your living room staring out the glass sliding door of your balcony that blinded you with morning rays.

You would've been content with this much, and you were for a moment, until you noticed your light being messed up.

Hurling herself onto your balcony, June climbed onto your balcony.

You didn't speak or move, you just watched her.

Its only the morning after your murdered someone, so you have no clue why she's bothering to come see you. Or maybe she was planning on robbing you, who knows.

It was also the day of the merge. Three new regional leaders are joining our base. You didn't want to have to sit through a conference, honestly.

Standing, June stared at you for a moment before making an exasperated motion with her hands, opening the sliding door.

"You did not just watch me struggle that entire time. Were you deadass just watch me that entire time?" June complained at you.

June had her back facing the sunlight, so you had a fairly good look at her for the first time.

Her hair was a reddish brown, not just brown like you'd thought. That much was evident since her hair was so shiny it bounced light straight into your eyes.

"I wasn't really thinking about it." You spoke without a care, but flinched at the light June reflected straight into your eyes.

June gave a simple response, one you didn't even catch, and walked straight passed you into your house.

You didn't move, you didn't even bother closing the glass door that blew in fresh morning air, but you could hear June rummaging around your house.

"Do you even get cold..? Like seriously, I'm not faking of you." June called from the other room, likely your room.

"Only if there's a breeze. My skin is lukewarm so it's always a little warm to me." You responded.

You hadn't even known your skin was now cold until Asher had brought it up a while ago. Explain why you've been craving warm sources. Kind of like a snake who sunbathes.

Which also explains why you're sunbathing right now.

"Cool so you won't need this. What's in the cup?" June walked out of your hallway back into the living room, discarding a coat she'd dug up.

"A smoothie." You responded.

"Do you need it? You got a travel mug?"

You pointed a finger behind you toward your cupboard, not bothering to look.

June certainly isn't the quiet type as she was very loud with your cupboards.

You weren't willing to bother with anything June is doing. You don't want to expend any brain power on the antics of hers. Admittedly, you were a little satisfied with how June is so reckless around you. After all, you blasted a man's head to bits just eight hours ago.

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