The incident

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(After 16 years) July 14 was Owen birthday (it was the day, he was left in the orphanage) it was going to be horrible moment in his life.

(Today 15 July) In the hall of orphanage Owen was with children and the caretaker (her name Annie) with him. "Tomorrow is my birthday". "Ok, I will make your favorite barbecue".

One of the kids came and gave him a handmade bracelet saying that "Owen we all made this for you";
"Hai, I also helped"; "me too". "Thank you so much I will always have it with me "he kept it in his pocket, and all went to sleep (heavy rain with thunder) Owen praying that “mom, dad tomorrow is my birthday "(sigh) and he slept.

(Around 3 clock) he woke up
by the sound of thunder and called his caretaker, she always answers but something was off.

He went down the stairs and saw blood trace leading towards the dining room, he ran to the dining room and he saw children were killed in to pieces and some of their liver, eye, pieces of brain was fully spread the from dining table, blood was everywhere, he saw a man sitting in a chair with sharp edged sword holding his caretaker head.

His leg started to tremble, he started to run toward the door. When he about to open the door, a sword flew and struck on his side of his face
(Swoosh! thud) which made a small cut on his face. He turned and saw the man walking towards him.

He was frightened and opened the door started running out of the house. The man took the sword from the door, started chasing him from the roof and he shouted so his neighbors would help him.

When he looked on his side a cat walking in the fence was still not moving, he realized the time was stopped. The man jumped from the roof about to stab Owen shouted, he closed his eye and heard clashing of metal.

when he opened his eyes there were two knight, one of the knight was fighting with that strange man and another knight started walking towards him and gave a stone told that "boy, this stone will take to Melidyia kingdom"; "wh—aat" Owen said, "go there and In the Merlin academy a person called 'Edwin Freeman' and state your name to him", when the knight completed saying, a sword stabbed the knight.

The strange man killed the knights. When the sword hit him, the stone bursts and he was teleported.

Man stared at place where he disappeared, a man wearing a clown costume came out from a black portal and told that "aww man you almost got him" the man (signs) and enter the portal, "aww man you are so stubborn" "hey wait for me"

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