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Edwin showed Owen's dorm with a small single bed and restroom. He jumped into the bed and slept like a bear in winter.

The next morning, he woke and took a shower, wore the uniform from the closest.

He came out of the room, there were students walking and talking what happened yesterday.

The small tree before him announced "freshmen please assemble in the main hall" it was his first time to see tree talking.

He walked trying to find the hall, all the student's eyes were on him. He saw sign board of 'freshman welcome ceremony'.

He entered the hall, which was crowded with students. Headmaster walked on to the stage and said "Welcome, my students glad to see this energy before it's too late" headmaster said.

A ball suddenly appeared before everyone "this ball determine which class your" and instructed them to use their mana / aura into the ball.

Everyone tried to put their energy into the ball, some of them were not successful and they are disqualified, less brightness is in average class, who could hold it for a little while are in elite class.

Owen saw everyone the boy next to him said “you commoner, you think you can qualify" it's the blonde; "see me and fail" and he was qualified for elite. Owen tried but he can't, teachers were looking at him.

He closed his eyes and grumbled "please light up" suddenly the ball grew brighter than anyone ever. Even the teachers were surprised to see but it became dark since there only myths about it.

The teachers suspected he might have used any relics, so they checked him which ended in their expectations.

In the commotion headmaster said that "hereby I announce, class and teacher" After class and teachers, Owen was under the Edwin and other three but his was not announced class.

The blonde said "I told you failed; I am in elite class you were assigned to the teacher not the class" he laughed.

He was tensed at last headmaster said “class of Owen, which was to believe to be legend has become true" he paused a little and said "his class is" moreover than Owen everyone is eager to know "special class" it surprised because there was no special class. He ended the ceremony.

The students went to the dorms. Owen thought himself while in the bed "it was amazing day" he gripped his chain "mom and dad who were you guys?" and slept.

Zillion - the boy  [vol-1]Where stories live. Discover now