Melidyia kingdom

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He turned his head to see the kingdom with huge wall and door stopped by the knights to inspect.

They asked Owen his badge he was confused about it, the girl called knights and she showed her badge told something to the knight. The knight told to move the cart inside the kingdom.

Owen got down from the cart. The girl gave the old man two silver coins, the girl walked towards him gave him a handshake and said "thank you"
"for what” Owen asked; "I am very thankful to you" Owen said; "no, this is all for saving me back there" girl said to Owen.

She smiled and said "call me Isabell" "okay” Owen replied "so this were we split" Isabell said; she waved at him and went.

Owen was not sure where he is heading, he went through the market having huge crowd, and people were buying different kind of fruits and animals.

He asked directions to the academy when he reached academy, he wanted to enter but their guards standing at the gates.

When he saw, some students were going to enter the academy, he sneaked through them. He saw students were about his age using magic and playing with monsters.

He saw the doors of school took a deep breath and pushed the door. Students were chatting and running to their class, he bumped into a boy with blonde hair and black eyes.

"how dare you bump me, you low classed commoner" blonde said
"how did you enter the Campus" said by the boy behind the blonde
"yeah, you shabby looking creature" told by the other boy "didn't your parent teach you now when there are Noble" "his parent might be idiots and trash like him"; "so they didn't teach him" laughed at him Owen stared at them with angry.

The blonde whispered in the ear of Owen "If I found you here, I will kill you and your family" Owen punched the blonde, he crashed the display armor everyone's attention caught by Ichiro's action.

The blonde's henchmen, one used fire magic and other water magic both of them released their attack at same time "fireball" "water ball" Owen deflected by waving his hand and punched them both.

The teachers rushed to the scene, one of teacher with curly hair shouted at him "how dare you do this to my disciples" when he was going to use his magic.

Big bulked old with white beard, the teachers bow to him, with a deep voice he asked, "who are you boy, how did enter" "I came here to see a man named 'Edwin freeman' "Owen replied "Him?" asked him with an odd voice.

He placed his two fingers on neck shouted the name "Edwin" his voice heard by whole academy.

Man floating came down and asked "what do need old man" one of teacher said "this how you speak like to the head master” one of teacher said
"Did you called the boy to the Campus” head master asked "Edwin looked at Owen and said "Who is he" Curl hair teacher said "I know, this brat is lying".

Owen replied the "No" he looked at the Edwin and said "my name is Owen Greyson" when he heard the name.
He flew and shook his shoulder, he said that "So it is you" he wanted to ask questions, but he stopped because there were many people looking at them.

He told the headmaster "I called him" head master looked at Owen with a surprised eye and smiled "Ok, then everyone get to your classes" head master said; "No, sir you can't leave this, what he did to my disciples" interrupt the curly hair teacher
"Then why did he forget tell this when you asked him at first and I will not accept this" curl teacher asked.

Edwin replied "prof. Ruther, I didn't ask you when you forget about date with Miss Evelyn and made her wait at restaurant" Ruther felt embarrassed and left from there. Headmaster controlled his laugh and went.

He called the Owen outside the academy. Owen followed him to the outside the academy.

Edwin said "I know you have lot of questions before that I want to you punch me as hard as you can"
"don't regret about your decision" Owen replied and took a deep breath focused all energy on the hand, Edwin noticed his hand was covered with magic. He also covered him in shield.

When Owen hit him, he felt like he was hitting strong iron door which made Edwin move few inches, the energy which Cover Edwin burst.

Owen surprised and said, "what is that" He was surprised to see Owen and asked, "Now tell me how did learn magic" "Me, no I don't know magic" Owen said "but you used it now" Owen remembered what had happened early while he was coming, he told to him.

He thought to himself "This boy, he exceeded my expectations" with a smile he told "you look tried let me Show you, your dorm and Take rest all your question will be answered".

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