~ Chapter 4 ~ We Get Scolded By a Demon

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~ ~ This is a longer chapter (1927 words) so I hope you like it :3 ~ ~

Nisshoku instantly turned to me and said, "Take your damn magnesium before something else comes."

"Okay," So I took the magnesium, not wanting to anger the short samurai of the opposite gender. I looked over at Hissoku, and he looked a bit nervous, and with a worried tone asked, "Nisshoku, are you alright?" almost like predicting the future, ran to Nisshoku and caught her before she fell to the ground, which startled me because I've never seen someone's face go from "D:<" to almost completely drained of blood and passed out so quickly, and in general, it was kind of scary, I know I barely knew her, but she seemed like a person I would grow to care for a lot. "What's happening?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"Her illness, it's getting more destructive."

"What can we do?"

"The only thing we can do is venture out into the forest to try and find the cave in which the cure dwells."

"Why do you sound like a philosopher?"

"Shut up, and start getting ready to leave, there's some weapons in the closet over by the kitchen."

"Why do you have weapons?"

"Because we've been expecting something like this for a while, now no more questions, or else I'll hit you with a bottle of kefir milk."

"Okay..." And with that, he set Nisshoku down on the couch and left to some other room.

Since I didn't get a chance to observe the cabin I decided to examine my surroundings, the living room was on the right side of the entrance, the couch was right up against a black-marble counter in the kitchen, the kitchen had a six-burner oven and a two-door fridge, most of the black-marble counters were up against the walls, on the left side of the kitchen was a door leading to where I was guessing was the closet Hissoku was talking about, to the left side of the entrance was a set of floating stairs with a bunch of potted plants and small trees under them, on the wall next to the stairs was a door that I didn't know where it lead to. I decided to get a weapon from the closet and walked up to the door, the door seemed suspicious, like it was hiding something I didn't know about... But even with all that foreshadowing, I decided to open the door.

I opened the door and immediately got trampled on by a German Shepherd the size of a Great Dane if you don't know how big a Great Dane is, imagine a dog who's almost 6 feet tall when sitting down, so doing what any somewhat normal person would do, I yelled for my rival to help me. "HELP, THERE'S A CUTE BUT HUGE DOG ATTACKING ME." I could just barely see Hissoku poke his head from the staircase to look at me, "Oh, that's just Loki, he won't hurt you." I could hear him trying not to laugh. "You told me to get stuff from this closet on purpose so you could see me get trampled by a doggy, didn't you?"


"Get him off!"

"What's the magic word?"

"AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH" He covered his ears and said, "That works too, now shut up, I'm coming..." I stopped screaming and Hissoku came and called Loki off of me and gave him a treat, but he came and offered me his hand to help me get up after I got up off the floor he let go of my hand and passed me a knife, which was about eighteen inches long. "This is a long knife."

"It's a dagger." I rolled my eyes at him, "Same thing!" He looked like he was about to say something but changed his mind and said this instead, "Just give me a second to grab two bottles of water, then we can leave."


Once we were outside it was starting to get dark so Hissoku passed me a flashlight, and he started to walk toward the city, which was confusing because we were supposed to be looking for a cave, in a forest. I caught up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, "Aren't we supposed to go into the forest?"

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