~ Chapter 6.5 ~ A small exchange of words

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~ ~ Me rn: *Casually writes another chapter of The Rain  Instead of doing school work* ~ ~

Once they pulled away Noxios started hastily bandaging my hand, (Where did she get the bandages? Does everyone except me have hammerspace?) not bothering to wipe her face (Hissoku was looking away). After wrapping my hand in gauze tape, she said, "What's your name?" "Aaron Dalewood."

"Well Aaron, your dumbass decided to try and kill an alternate with a half-assed plan, and killed it, I respect you for not dying or fainting, but also never do that again."

"Okay, I-" I got halfway through my sentence before blacking out, which is not good because Noxios and Hissoku might kill each other.

~ ~ Words from the Author ~ ~

One of my friends made some weird-ass joke and I started joke-sobbing and when I stopped bro said: "Why did you start sobbing like in those mobile game ads?"


Stay safe,

- GrandmaInfestation

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