~Ch5~ 'I'm not Roman, I'm Greek!' 'Greece? I don't speak debt.'

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I looked at her in confusion, and I looked out of the mouth of the cave covered in vines, and I could just barely see something; a black figure bigger than the Eiffel Tower crawling on all fours, it didn't look like it could even be an oversized human, it had stumps on the end of its limbs, and it had no head, no end, just a body, and a huge mouth with razor-sharp bloodstained teeth where its stomach would normally be. I was frozen and shaking in fear, I couldn't move at all, I was stuck standing there for approximately two minutes before Hissoku abruptly started carrying me in a bridal-carry position and started running farther into the cave, and if he didn't I would have been there for so much longer. I looked back to the mouth of the cave and realized that the creatures had started coming towards the cave, it was almost as if you looked at them they would come after you, and that was why the girl had said not to look, with that thought I turned my head and clung onto Hissoku while he carried me further into the cave. I abruptly remembered about the girl and decided it would be a good idea to get her, "Hissoku, what about the girl?" "You want me to get her?"

"Yes, that would be pleasant."

"Okay, stay here for now." "I knowww," He then set me down and started walking towards the mouth of the cave. After a while of listening to the eerie sounds of the cave I decided to follow after Hissoku. Once I reached the mouth of the cave where the girl was still sitting on the floor, but this time she was looking up at Hissoku, her eyes still switching colors, they were talking about something until they stopped when we heard tapping right outside the cave, it was morse-code, "What is that?" the girl inquired, so I answered, "It's morse-code, it translates to S.O.S." "Should we help them?" Hissoku asked, and then I remembered all those tales my mother would tell me about creatures and entities who would pretend to be in need of help so they could lure people to their death, so naturally in this situation I did the rational thing and warned the others. "NUH-UH, DO NOT INVESTIGATE, HISSOKU, AND YOU GIRL WE'RE GETTING AWAY FROM THE ENTRANCE."

"What, why?"

"BECAUSE IF WE HELP THIS SO-CALLED PERSON WE 'BOUTA GET GUTTED." Then the girl looked me dead in the eyes and said, "You're right." and just randomly grabbed both me and Hissoku and dragged us into the cave.

I never thought I'd be awkwardly sitting on the floor of a cave in a post-apocalyptic city with my rival and some magical creature-girl-thing, but here I am. The silence was deafening until it was broken by Hissoku, "So..." He turned to the girl, "What's your name?" "Ligma"

"'Ligma'? That's an unusual name..." The girl started giggling a little bit, and I then realized something, "WAIT-" "LIGMA BALLS" I couldn't with those kinds of jokes anymore, so I just stared into the corner while Hissoku and the girl talked, but I didn't really pay attention so I think it might have gone something like this from what I heard, "No, really, what's your actual name?" "Deez"

"I swear to god, stop that, what is your actual name?"


"'Noxios'? You must be Roman."

"I'm not Roman, I'm Greek."

"Greece? I don't speak debt."

"YOU LITTLE- I'm gonna let that slide, but never again."

"Okay, at least I got my revenge for that shit you pulled." For some reason that reminded me that we had to get those herbs for Nisshoku, "Hissoku"

"aaAAHH, oh, I forgot you were there..." Noxious looked at him perplexedly, until she said, "How could you forget your boyfriend being in the room?" "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND."

"Okay, okay," "HISSOKU"


"We have to get the herbs for Nisshoku! Remember?"

"Yeah, I know, but it's not like we can leave because of those... things."

"Oh, yeah." I looked over at Noxios and she looked like she was thinking about something, until she finally spoke, "Nisshoku... I've heard that name before, what's their last name?" I looked over at her, and it was my turn to be perplexed

"Nychta, why?" Noxios's ever-color-changing eyes widened as she stayed silent for a few moments before speaking, "That- that's my childhood best friend's name." Hissoku stared at her for a few moments before speaking, "You've had friends?"

"You have a boyfriend?"

"HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND." I started hearing heavy footsteps coming towards us, and they didn't sound human, I don't know how I knew, but I just knew they weren't human. "Guysss, not the time." They both whipped their heads around to look at me as they watched the color drain out of my face at what I was seeing; a tall werewolf-type thing, it was about eight feet tall, its eyes were a milky white with a scar down each one and had teeth as sharp as razors, which were about the length of my arm, stained with blood.

~ ~ Words from the author ~ ~

Please don't be mad at me because of the Ligma part

Stay safe

- GrandmaInfestation

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