The Assignment

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"Knock knock." A familiar deep husky voice greeted.

I immediately smiled, pausing to look up to greet my boss. "Hey Chris." It was always a pleasure when he came to see me, especially since I loved looking at him.

"Slow day today huh?" He said, making small talk. 

Something about the tone of his voice made me stop packing my bag to look at him again.

"Yeah... What can I help you with, boss?" I asked so he could get straight to the point, we both knew I had to leave soon.

Christopher Wallace stood just outside of my office door looking devilishly handsome in his custom 2-piece suit. Standing 6'6 feet with beautiful golden topaz eyes and yummy ochre brown skin that changed from light yellow to caramel depending on the season, he was one of the sexiest men walking the Earth.  I wished I could've been graced with his skin every time I saw him.

And he was my boss. Yay!

He had a mischievous look on his face and that was not a good thing.

I grabbed my jacket off the back of my chair to remind him that I had somewhere to be and he needed to hurry the fuck up. 

"I have your next assignment." He said, holding up a folder.  He had the nerve to look apologetic when I knew he was anything but.

I glared at him, he knew I had somewhere to be in 30 minutes.

"You promised no more last minute jobs!" I yelled, pointing my finger at him.

"I know. I know," he said putting his hands up to stop my tantrum, "but I can assure you this is well worth it."

I sighed, "Details." I was about to annoy the fuck outta him.

"Billionaire Customer -"

"Not interested." I stated.

He sighed in frustration. "You never even let me get all my words out!"

I smirked. Now he knew how I felt when his big head ass gave me last minute shit to do. I sighed again just to annoy him more and motioned for him to continue.

"There are 40 of your employees currently roaming the building right now, tell me why you have to come for me."He used his puppy eyes on me and I couldn't help giving in to him. "I'm listening..."

"Well listen really good. Renee, I need you for this job. You're dedicated, level headed, and frankly not an inarticulate bimbo."

"Gee, thanks." I said, sarcastically.

"He's looking for a male driver to drop him off in Texas-" He continued.

"-I am not a male nor do I want to drive long distances on a school night.-" I cut in.

"-but he gave me such a demand on awful short notice... I'm sure you can pull that off." He said frowning at me for interrupting him again. "You know I can take care of my lil man, you have nothing to worry about."

I sighed again, not really looking forward to hearing anything else he had to say.

"That's not even the best part, he's paying half a mil, baby girl.

"Half a mill? For a lift to Texas? Kind of shit is this?" I said, making him laugh. 

"Yes. Renee, this is the easiest money you'll ever make. I told him I'd give him my best driver. You know that's you." He gave me his signature cheeky smile. "I knew I could count on you." He said before I even spoke. Apparently I couldn't control my facial expression as well as I thought I could. I rolled my eyes, groaning."You owe me big time, Christopher, if you and Christian didn't eat like a pack of wolves-"

The Driver.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon