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As Cain rolled on the ground in pain I realized he had never been really hurt before. Minor fights maybe but nothing serious because he's always had protection, security, goons. Not today. Today I would show him what real pain was. Smirk.

I saw the look in his eyes as he realized our roles had changed. No more pretending. No fear. He was fucking terrified and I fucking loved it.

I smiled at him as he tried to crawl away from me. He appeared so human right now, but I knew that devil that loved the way blood looked smeared onto my skin was just underneath the surface and I had to bring him out. Thats who I wanted to kill.

"I have no weapons Cain. Its just me and you. Nobody will interfere... Right baby?" I asked Lamar.

I turned to Lamar and he smiled at me. "Anything for you baby."

Out the corner of my eye I saw Cain get up and launch himself at me. I heard my dad yelling. "Watch out babygirl!"

I sidestepped tripping him as I did.

"Renee has this under control, trust me John." Lamar said.

"Thats the Cain I Know." I taunted him as he laid on the ground starring up at me in disbelief. "The coward that can't even go head up with a woman in a fair fight."

"Why are you making me do this? I love you Maria. It doesn't have to be like this. You know I love you!"

"Cain I hate you! You stole MY innocence, MY choice, MY consent and MY life from me. The things you made me do! You fucking sick bastard! You took MY father from me! I ran away but I always had to look over my shoulder out of fear. My child never wanted for nothing but stability and with all the moving I did, I couldn't give him that. My dad has missed out on our lives. You ruined me! And I'm going to take my life back by killing you. You have nothing to use against me now and you never will again."

"I'll kill your mother Maria!"

"The bitch is already dead. She cried out for you Cane. She swore you'd protect her.

His whole expression changed. "You fucking bitch!"

He lunged at me full force. Hate in his eyes. This was the boy I knew. This was the boy I would kill.

I went head up with him. I dodged his swings dancing out of reach, I used all my strength when I hit him and I kept goading him. He only got angrier with each miss. He fell again but from the angle he was in I could only see him grab something but I didn't know what until he threw dirt into my eyes.

I couldn't see. I blinked and blinked until I could see a blur and I saw him swing and felt something hit me across my stomach and I fell to my knees. He wacked me again across the right side of my face and I fell. The pain made my eyes fill with tears and I used them to my advantage. I laid there a moment cautiously, furiously blinking my eyes to remove the rest of  dirt.

He put his foot on my back pushing his weight on me, treating me like I was a fucking dog.

"Are you ready to stop acting like a bitch or do I need to beat you senseless like I used to? Yeah that's right lay there Maria, and take it, that's all you've ever been good for."

"Renee don't you listen to the asswipe, kick his ass.!" My dad yelled as I saw red. I threw my arm backwards into his knee knocking him off his feet as I rolled away from him and onto mine.

He rolled on the ground holding his knee as he cried out but I didn't pause, I kicked that same knee satisfied as I heard a pop. He screamed trying to kick out with his other leg and I grabbed it, holding it firmly before I broke it as well.

Still he punched out and fought similarly to how I did when he raped me or beat me.

"Please stop! Stop! Maria!" He screamed but recalling those times when he didn't do the same for me, it didn't stop me. I actually got annoyed, mad that this wasn't enough. I had expected more of a fight, more relief or something. I was growing close to bored as I punched him into his throat cutting off his pathetic screams. He would receive no mercy from me. For years he'd tortured me and enjoyed it. Nothing would stop me from finishing what he'd begun.

I liked the choking sounds he made now as he clutched at his throat.

But I wasn't into it like I wanted to be. I wasn't like him. I couldn't draw out the pain as long as I would've and I had no desire to bathe in his blood or anything like that so I simply grabbed his head twisting hard and breaking his neck.

It. Was. Finally. Over.

I stood over his dead body and for the first time since Lamar I felt peace. Suddenly exhausted I sat down. In the distance I could hear police sirens. I wasn't sure how I'd explain his broken neck when I'd broken both his legs but I didn't care. I was safe. My life was mine again.

I was numb as the others reached me. Lamar quickly scooped me up into his arms without saying a word. I was grateful for his silence and comfort.

Lamar was so getting laid.

Kayleen was also silent and she simply put her arms around us both. My dad kissed both of my cheeks asking if I was okay. My heart filled with love. They accepted that this was what I had to do.

"I am now." I said before I fell asleep in Lamar's arms.

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