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Christmas Break was finally here and I was about to start it off with some pretty terrible news... I had to leave Renee and Christian to go on a business trip to Las Vegas, some of my workers there had decided to go on a strike and not work. I'm not sure why, I didn't pay my workers minimum wage and the benefits I provided for them were pretty damn amazing so I had to see what was up.

I could've got Renee to drive me but she had to go pick up Christian today and had decided to use what little time I would be away for some one on one bonding with Christian. Kayleen was already gone to Paris with our parents and then she was going with Christopher to the cabin. It made me feel awful that I was leaving her alone, not that she minded. She wasn't worried at all.


Lamar's flight was at 5 o clock and it was now just turning 4 am. I feathered kisses all along his face and shoulders to wake him, smiling when he rewarded me with a low groan of pleasure. Of course I glanced under the covers and yep he had morning wood.

 Hey now, don't judge! 

All that sexual tension and we finally had to penthouse to ourselves?  It was time to take matters into my own hands especially since I had him right where I wanted him. Sleepy. Unaware. Vulnerable. 

"Lamar, wake up. I wanna play."

^^^Let's just say Lamar was a little late for his flight and I was ridiculously happy. In the meantime, while I waited until I had to go get Christian, I had finished decorating Christian's room & I finally got around to reading Alleigant by Veronica Roth. When Christian called I was almost at the ending and found myself grateful for the interruption. I wasn't so sure I would finish the book when I returned. It was making my heart all heavy and I didn't want Four to lose his girlfriend. As I left the house I put the book on top of the kitchen table face up a very odd old habit I had.

Seeing Christian's eyes light up when he saw me was bittersweet. I had missed the little booger. I couldn't wait to show him his new room.


Like I've said before I've been with a lot of woman, a while ago I would have thought of this with pride but now I was a bit disappointed in myself. I mean what the hell was I doing? I had wasted so much time in my youth with these bloody women who couldn't hold my attention for more than a night. Nobody compared to Renee and you better believe when this shit was finished with Cane I was gonna marry her. But first...

When I got to my company I immediately called a staff meeting and as everyone arrived I could tell something was up. Everyone looked genuinely surprised to see me.

"First I would like to begin by asking why anyone of you would call a strike when I provide options for everyone to be satisfied."

There was a murmur as people began to look confused.

I turned to the manager Steven. "I have no patience for this. I want to return home to my family now so tell me the names of the people who went on a strike."

Steven couldn't give a name of anyone that had refused to work and I couldn't help getting agitated.

"I'm sorry sir, but if there was a strike you would've heard from me directly. I have no clue who called you to report this."

"You mean to tell me I got a false call?" I questioned my entire staff. I was furious. I suddenly felt as if my heart was slowly being squeezed as I realized how unprotected Renee and Christian were. I had to get home asap they were in danger. I turned on my heel walking away from the meeting signaling it was over. My hands shook as I grabbed my phone. I called her immediately, desperate for this to be all one big misunderstanding but Renee was not picking up. I couldn't get ahold of Christopher or Kayleen either but I had managed to get my private jet on the way. It would take 30 mins for it to get here and 30 mins for me to arrive back and I could only hope I made it in time as I called the police next.

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