Kayleen Maxwell

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The woman that entered my office was no usual delivery woman. She was dressed to perfection which made me wonder why she had to deliver me something.

She knocked on the open door, catching my attention.

"Hello Ms. Renee" She greeted confidently.

"Hello Kayleen. What can I do for you today?"

"I was instructed to hand deliver a dress for your business today with my bro- your client."

She pulled the beautiful classy dress out of the bag and laid it out on the couch with the heels.

"Also I'm doing your hair and make up."

I frowned. "All this? I don't know. I'm a driver, nothing special." I said confused.

She shrugged. "You're definitely special if you've caught the eye of this billionaire."

I froze. "I've only worked for one billionaire."

She saw my expression and chuckled.

"My brother really has bad people skills that I understand why you'd want to avoid his type but I've heard you know how to put his ass firmly in his place and I'd love to be around when you do so." Who was she again? I like her.

I smirked. "Yeah, well I might just give you a show you'll never forget."

I'm not gonna lie, it was weird having a white woman doing my hair. 

I thought she'd been paid to do this but she said she'd volunteered because she wanted to meet me personally, I was lowkey flattered and anxious at the same time.

Was I truly ready for this? This relationship with Lamar would cast a spotlight on Christian and I, possibly bringing Cain right to our door. Not only could I be putting all of our lives in jeopardy but  this could possibly cast a bad stain on Lamar's reputation if he gets involved with me.

"Renee?" I felt Kayleen gently shaking me as I came back into awareness.

I jumped. "Erm yes?"

"Called your name about 5 times. Are you okay?"

"Stuck in my past, that's all."

"Did you wanna talk about it? It helps you get over things the more you let it all out, you know."

"I got raped Kayleen. Twice. It happened when I was really young by someone who I trusted... Nobody believed me. I got pregnant then I just ... well now I'm just afraid."

"You can't let it hold you back, you are free and its time to live life as such. I mean you only live once and when your child leaves who will you have then? I can't say I understand because I've never been raped but I've been held for ransom once... I thought he... He was... I'm sorry." Her voiced cracked.

"Don't apologize for being a woman."

"Don't throw away the chance to have a good father figure around for your son." 

She was right. If Lamar wanted a chance...

"Christian." I informed her.

"Christian." She confirmed.

I liked this woman, when I had said this around black women, they were nosy then judged me for what happened to me.

Asked me why I kept my child...

Then believed I tried to trap his father when I said I wanted my son.

So yeah I had no female friends. No black female friends.

Kayleen finished up and my end result was freaking amazing. How she did my hair like this I have no idea but wow.

"Now, go get dressed for your date."


She bit her lip as she smacked her forehead. This amused me so I simply raised an eyebrow.

"Go get dressed, please."

I nodded and did as she asked. I'm not sure how she knew my size but hot damn, I was smoking when I emerged with the dress on.

Kayleen squealed. "Oooh that dress was definitely a great decision, my brother definitely has good taste."

I blushed. 

"Lamar is your older brother?" I asked. I was slick ashamed after the slick mini jealously I'd felt earlier.

"Half brother but hey.

"Kayleen...How did you get away from that man?"

She smiled fiercely. "Lamar Maxwell."

She quickly did a little touch of make up on me then she walked me downstairs to the car lot.

She winked and left. "Pick a Volvo. He likes those."

Volvo it is...

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