Chapter six

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The Bones had left just a few minutes ago. I fell onto my bed, relieved that I can sleep now. It feels like I haven't slept in ages. As I lay in bed, my mind drifted to a lot of things. Things that happened when mom was there, to the present time. I realized a very important thing. I cannot believe that I didn't realize this before.

I am so dumb.

Who acts like they are a nerd? Who acts like they can't have friends. Who wears dorky glasses when their eyes are as perfect as a Hawk? This is freaking stupid! I burry my head in my pillow and groan. Just then my phone buzzed. I picked it up from under my bed only to see that Chase had sent me a text.

We have to work on that chemistry assignment, just in case you have forgotten. Tommorow my place after school? Don't bother bringing your car, I'll pick you up from your house. ;-)


I sighed as I read the text. What would people say if they see the school's bad boy and the nerd together? Screw them, I have let their comments pass me, I can live with this.

Okay. Don't be late.



"I told you to not be late!" I yelled as I left my house. Dad had already dropped Sam to school so it didn't matter.

"How does it matter? We have only missed the first two classes. Might as well skip school." He says getting on his bike. I looked at him, and then his bike and then back to him. "Oh hop on it already. She's a very safe bike."

"She?" I asked crossing my hands across my chest.

"Yes she now come on!" I shook my head. I walked over to his bike as Chase handed me his extra helmet and got on the bike. I took a deep breath and put my helmet on getting on the bike behind him. My hands found their way to Chase's shoulders. 

"Hold on tight Cherry, you don't want to fall." He teases. I roll my eyes and my grip on his shoulders tightened. He then took off at a real high speed. My grip on his shoulders quickly shift to his waist as I squeeze it. Is it just me or is he going faster than he is supposed to? "Enjoy the ride more than killing my waist." My grip just tightens more as I look around. As the trees and lamp posts passed by, I learned to enjoy this. My grip loosened as I felt the hair whip my neck as it was not covered with a helmet, twice the size of my face. "You finally seem to enjoy this."

"Yeah." I yell over the noise of the bike. Soon the pleasurable ride was over as we both got off. I looked around the place, Chase had brought me. The place had trees on the sides of the roads, the house looked very old and they looked like they need paint. "Chase, why we here?" I ask him. He scratches the back of his neck. 

"Uh, no reason. Now come on." He started walking to the building that stood tall in front of us. It's windows were shattered. I walked closely to Chase as we entered the building. The lights were dim. There were people around the place sitting on chairs and tables. There were girls around too. Let me re-phrase that sentence. There were stripper girls around the place. Chase went and sat on a chair as I sat beside him.

"What do you mean by no reason?" I asked angrily.

"Chilax, I thought you would be hungry and besides the ambiance, the place serves pretty good food." He gives me one toothy grin. "Toby! Bring the lady a sandwich." He yells. A guy in his early 30's, I believe Toby, nodded and threw a wink. I grimaced at him and turned back to Chase who was on his phone. I leaned forward and snatched his phone away from him. "Hey!"

I looked at his screen and snorted. "You are talking to Charlotte?" I asked. "Why?"

"I don't have a reason not to." He crossed his arms across his chest. "She's clinging on to me ever since last week. I'm trying to tell her that it was just a one night stand but she wouldn't listen."

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