Chapter two

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P.S. Read the author's note and the chapter question in the end....

I walked through the hallways of my school to get to lunch. The hallways in my school are huge. Actually, huge is an understatement. I walked by Charlotte's locker to see her sucking faces with Chase. Ew! Have some self respect! I don't understand how girls can just kiss some random guy or have sex with one. I have never had my first kiss. Seeing that I never cared about my love life. Not had a boyfriend, nor had been kissed, and to be honest, I was more than okay with that.

I stuffed my books into my locker and quickly headed to the cafeteria. I sat alone in a corner. People would look at me, notice that I'm sitting alone but never, never have they ever joined me. It didn't matter to me. I had homework to busy myself with. But sometimes, I wondered what life would be like if I had just let everyone know me as me and not me as Shelly the loser Summers.

I was in the middle of my physics homework when someone threw my tray to the ground. I looked up to see that it was Dustin. He was the captain of the football team, but trust me, if I get into a fight with him, there is no way that this guy could win. He'll end up with broken bones and a broken ego.

"What's up Shelly?" He asked. I shook my head and turned back to my homework. I felt my book being snatched from me. The sudden action made a streak with my pencil when he pulled my book. He tore the page and crumpled it in his hands. "You do not ignore me okay?" He then threw the, now made paper ball at me and laughed. "Later loser."

Hey, wasn't that my lunch which he just threw away?


The final bell-is the bell that we all look forward to when we reach school-I exited my school and drove to Sam's school. I parked my car outside and waited for him to come find me. While I was waiting, I received a text message from Robbie. I frowned and opened the text.

Your fight's tonight at 7, don't be late.


I sighed. I am sick of this fighting. It's a proper street fighting which is done in the basement. You are randomly called by your boss and you have to fight. There will be bets placed and whoever wins gets the money from the bets. And the worst part is that you have to attend these fights. If you don't, boss will personally send two guards to teach you a lesson. And even if you win, you're not paid! Not that we really have a chance of winning . I hate these fights. They are abrupt and make no sense, but they are also a great practice for the fights that are held one week every two years.

Every fighter has to fight. It is really hard to get those tickets. You have to be at least 25; I find that weird 'cause I'm only 17. You are paid a fortune. It's hard to win but not impossible. I've been winning for six months in a row. I work real hard for it. These fights are pretty organized, not like these weekly fights that we have. You are told which day you are particularly fighting, while in these weekly fights, you are called randomly.

I was brought out of my trance of thoughts by Sam who opened the car door and got inside. We shared our greetings before I drove home.


I was leaving for my fight when dad stopped me, "Shelly, do you mind if I take the car? I need to rush to the office but my car's tire has punctured." I sigh and nod.

"Just drop me to the gym." I said and both of us got in the car. We had dropped Sam off to our neighbors so that wasn't a problem. Dad dropped me off and I started walking when I heard a car honk. I turned to see dad standing outside the car. I frowned and walked back. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Be careful 'Kay? And pick Sam from Mr. and Mrs. Black's." I nodded and gave him a hug before walking to the building. I first went to my training room and did a few warm ups before heading to the basement. Chase and Shawn were in the ring. Shawn is pretty tough to defeat and I can see that he has the upper hand as Chase is pretty badly beaten up.

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