Chapter three

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My day at school had been pretty tiring. Surprisingly, Chase was in most of my classes and he sat behind me. That meant that he wouldn't stop irritating me. He would throw paper balls in my direction, tickle me behind my ear, draw on my back with his finger and many other really irritating stuff. And when I would turn back to glare at him, he'd just look straight ahead looking all innocent.

Today, though, was a completely different game. He linked arms with me, walking around the whole school. He knew that it irritated me, so he did it even more. All the girls would glare at me and some guys gave Chase a look which said, 'are you fucking serious?' Or 'What the hell are you doing?' Great! Just great! Before all the girls left me unnoticed-not that I cared-but now they would find every opportunity they could to make my life a living hell.

It was lunch and thankfully Chase leaves me alone for the lunch hour. He'd normally sit at the cool table. I was eating my burger when I felt someone's present behind me. I turned my head 180 degree and saw Charlotte and her group of bitches standing beside her. "You should eat a little less Shelly, don't wanna become fat and scare the only guy who seems to be tough enough to be with you." Charlotte snorted. I frowned.

"Sorry but who are you talking about?" I asked. This caused her to laugh real hard.

"Chase Shelly, Chase Bones." I frowned deeper as her words sunk in.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Don't you get it?" She asks. "He's playing with you. Why in the love of god would a god like Chase spend time with a girl like you?" Her words hurt. They really did. I did not mind what she said about Chase but it hurt to hear that I wasn't good enough for a guy. "No guy deserves a weight like you Shelly. You have no reason and I mean no reason to live." With her last words ringing in my head, I felt a cold liquid run through my back and my face.

Lucy had emptied my glass of Apple juice on me. "Serves you right bitch!" She laughed. The whole cafeteria was laughing their asses out. Now normally I wouldn't have a given a shit. But she definitely crossed the line. I stood up from where I was sitting. My mind was fixed on beating the shit outta these girls until the principal calls me but I stopped. Why? Because the whole cafeteria did. I turned around to see Chase walking up to me.

He looked angry, no kidding. It was like any second there will be smoke coming out of his ears and horns growing on his head. He opened his mouth when he approached us but I beat him to it.

"Got what you wanted Lucy? Embarrass me?" I asked. "But what pleasure did you get? 'Cause all I can see is fear." I smirked. Her face was pale, eyes were widened and her hands were shaking. I don't blame her, Chase looked pretty deadly. I walked passed her and made my way to the washroom.

"Cherry wait up!" Chase's voice echoed in the hallway. I turned around abruptly. Chase almost bumped into me.

"What do you want?" I crossed my hands over my chest.

"You okay?"

"Why do you even care? Mind enlightening me?" I asked putting on a fake smile.

"Because we are friends-"

"No we are not. We are anything but friends. More like, two fighters who share a room."

"But I know your deepest secret." he said in a singing tone.

"Like I care." I continued the tone. "Honestly Chase? I could care less about what you know." I said and turned around, silently making my way to the bathroom.

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