Chapter ten

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I walked into the school hallways minding my own business. I haven't spoken to Chase since yesterday and I don't plan on doing so anytime soon either. It's gonna be hella awkward and I don't think I can manage that kind of awkwardness.

I walked upto my locker without any physical contact from anyone. I hate these people for being bullies. It's wrong. Why do they have to bully for no reason!? I'm against bullying.

I started rearranging my locker as I had some bit extra time on hand. The bruise that was on my face, which was given to me by my beloved best friend, aka Chase Bones, has almost faded. "Hi!" A cheery voice greets me, taking me off gaurd. I close my locker a bit to see a short beautiful brunnette smiling widely at me.

Or was she looking at me? Or am I covering the person she's looking at? I look behind me but see no one looking at her. "Are you talking to me?" I ask her turning around.


"Oh. Hey then." I say digging into my locker again.

"I'm Jessica. What's your name?"


"Jessie this place is awesome!" The voice cut my sentence. I sighed and closed my locker turning to her. I saw a tall-(5'11 I guess)-cute brunette. He looked a lot like Jessica. I guess they are twins. I shrug to myself and decided to head to my homeroom.

I turned around only to bump into the one and only, Chase Bones (cue the applause). I look down and move past him. I walk about a feet or two before I hear him call out my name. "Cherry!" I take a deep breath and do that one thing I know that if I do, I'll get detention. I ran across the hallway .

Man being a fighter totally rocks. You can defend yourself, you can run fast plus you get a sexy body! Okay cut the last part. I ran past a few jocks, class rooms. I even ran across the field! And when the bell rang, I ran to my class. I smiled in victory as I sat down in my place.

Chase wasn't in my class so it was a good thing. I took out my book and started to doodle on it. The teacher came in a few minutes after the bell. "Sorry I'm a bit late." She spoke. "Class we have two new students joining our class, Jessica and Jake." Jessica and her brother-Jake smiled to the class. "Why don't the two of you sit down there." She pointed to the seats behind me.

Once the class was settled, she started teaching. I continued doodling in my book not caring about anything going on. Once the bell rang, I gathered all my stuff and was ready to leave. "Hey, I never caught your name." Jessica said from behind me.

"Shelly." I mumbled loud enough for her to hear.

"I like the name."

"My mom chose it." I said avoiding her gaze and started walking towards the door.

"Well tell your mother that she chose a beautiful name." A male voice spoke. I stopped and turned around to see Jake smiling. I scoffed and raised an eyebrow. 

"Whatever." With that I walked to my locker and dumped all of my things in it.

"So you wanna hangout sometime?" Jessica asked opening her locker which just so happened to be the one beside mine.

"Why do you two want to hangout with a social outcast?" I snapped at them. I walked my way through people to go to the library as I had a free period.

"You seem cool." Jake said walking beside me.

"We like you."

"Please?" I sighed and nodded muttering a fine. I helped them to get to Math class since they were new and then went to the library.

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